mercredi 26 février 2014



Mésopotamie is  a historical area of the Middle East. It extends between two rivers,  the Tiger  and Euphrate  —it is besides from there that the area draws its name, which means "between two rivers" in Greek.
Mésopotamie corresponds overall to Iraq, and part of Syria and Iran current. Several significant civilizations of Antiquity lived there. 


Sumériens live in  the south of Mésopotamie  to the IV E thousand-year-old before our era. Towards 3300 before J-C, they invent  the first written form: the wedge-shaped writing. This discovery is a revolutionist in the evolution of the man; it marks  the passage of prehistory to the history.
Civilization sumérienne is very technically advanced: invention and use of  the wheel, the irrigation,  the potter's wheel,  the plough  and  mathematics. It is as within civilization sumérienne as the first  cities appeared, with imposing architecture. Each city is controlled by a king who would hold his capacity of the gods. Most known are those of Kish, Lagash, Uruk and Ur. One of the most famous sovereigns of this period is legendary Gilgamesh, king d' Uruk to  the xxvii E century before J-C.
Each city seeking to dominate the others, Sumériens are made the war perpetually. Towards 2370 before J-C, a king manages to dominate the other cities and constitutes the first  kingdom of Sumer.


At the same period, more in north in Mésopotamie, people live which adopted the written form of Sumériens. For a long time, the technical richnesses of Sumériens attract their covetousness. And towards 2325 before J-C, king  Sargon the Old one  seizes Sumer. After having founded its capital (Akkad), it  unifies Mésopotamie  and creates the kingdom of Sumer and Akkad. The kingdom declines however, after having fallen to the hands from wandering people.
Two centuries later, king d' Ur creates the prestigious  kingdom of Ur. It is at this period that the ziggourat  of  Ur is built (a pyramidal tower with several degrees). But towards 2004 before J-C, the kingdom of Ur breaks down in its turn under the blow of invasions of Élamites. To  the xx E century before our era, Mésopotamie becomes again a multitude of small rival States which are made the war perpetually.

the door of Ishtar in Babylon

Controlled by king Hammourabi, the city of Babylon benefits from these ceaseless wars. After having overcome the other kings, Hammourabi becomes the sovereign of  the kingdom of Babylon  into 1760 before J-C Babylon, the capital of Mésopotamie reunified, is more in north than the old cities sumériennes. Powerful monarch, Hammourabi makes thrive his kingdom; in particular, he is the author of  the first code of laws  of the history: the code of Hammourabi.
Under the successors of Hammourabi, the invasions begin again; this time, they are Kassites which penetrates in Mésopotamie. In the medium of  the xvi E century before our era, they seize Babylonia and restore the power with their profit of it. The dynasty kassite reign on Babylonia during 400 years. The kings of this civilization thrives are regarded as equal Pharaons of Egypt.

sumptuous court of Assyrie

To the xvi E century before J-C,  the north of Mésopotamie  is with the hands of Assyriens. The principal towns of Assyrie are Assur and Ninive. To  the xiii E century before J-C, under the pressure of migratory movements, Assyriens develop a genuine machine of war. The raids then then the conquest of the close territories, in particular Babylonia begin.
Two centuries later, a new dynasty controls the kingdom of Assyrie: one defines it as the dynasty néo-assyrienne.  Sargon II, whose reign extends from 721 to 705 before J-C, allows the Empire néo-assyrien its greater expansion. The empire is then very vast, in particular including Egypt, placed under protectorate. Sargon II controls from the city of Hard Sharrukin (today Khorsabad, in Iraq). Its successors, Sennachérib then  Assurbanipal, choose Ninive like capital.


To the vii E century before J-C, Babyloniens take again the top on Assyriens and supplant them. They melt a new kingdom in Mésopotamie, which one calls the kingdom néo-babylonien. The city of  Babylon, devastated at the time assyrienne, is rebuilt and equipped with an imposing architecture: hanging gardens of the palate of  Nabuchodonosor II  (one of the Seven wonders of the world), large ziggourat high of seven stages (probably at the origin of the myth of the tower of Babel), etc. The dynasty néo-babylonienne lasts approximately one century.
In 539 before J-C, the kingdom néo-babylonien is subjected by the king perse Cyrus the Large one. All Mésopotamie from now on is integrated into the Empire perse.

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vendredi 10 janvier 2014


Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) est un physicien américain d’origine allemande, inventeur de l’une des théories les plus importantes de la physique du xxe siècle : la théorie de la relativité.
Après des études médiocres, Einstein occupe un emploi d’ingénieur à Zurich (Suisse). En 1905, à l’âge de 26 ans, il obtient son doctorat de physique et révolutionne la physique avec la publication de ses découvertes sur l’effet photoélectrique (émission d’électrons par un métal sous l’action de radiations lumineuses), sur le mouvement brownien (description mathématique du mouvement de particules microscopiques dans un liquide ou un gaz), la relativité restreinte et l’équivalence matière-énergie (traduite par la célèbre équation mc2).
Sa théorie sur la relativité restreinte est fondée sur deux postulats :
– la relativité : toutes les lois de la physique sont similaires dans tous les repères inertiels ;
– l’invariance de la vitesse de la lumière dans le vide (environ 300 000 km/s) : cette vitesse, également appelée célérité et notée c, est une constante universelle.
La théorie de la relativité permet de donner une description logique et correcte des événements physiques dans des repères inertiels différents. Elle reste longtemps très controversée par la communauté scientifique.
En 1916, Einstein publie sa théorie de la relativité générale, qui englobe les lois de la relativité restreinte et les lois de la gravitation d’Isaac Newton. L’année suivante, il applique sa nouvelle théorie à la cosmologie (science de l’univers) et propose un modèle d’Univers statique (en équilibre, sans mouvement). Mais en 1929, Edwin Hubble démontre que l’Univers est en expansion (et donc non statique).
En 1921, Einstein reçoit le prix Nobel pour ses travaux sur l’effet photoélectrique. Son hypothèse que la lumière est constituée de « grains d’énergie » (qui sont par la suite appelés photons) possédant une énergie proportionnelle à la fréquence du rayonnement ne sera confirmée que 18 ans plus tard par le physicien américain Arthur Compton. Einstein apporte sa contribution à la physique quantique en étudiant le comportement des photons. Il fait publier en 1924 un article du physicien indien Satyendranath Bose sur ce sujet, et élabore ensuite avec lui la théorie statistique de Bose-Einstein.
Dès les années 1920, Einstein est un savant respecté, mais aussi un véritable héros populaire. Il n’hésite pas à utiliser son immense renommée pour défendre ses convictions politiques.
En 1933, Hitler prend le pouvoir, et Albert Einstein quitte l’Allemagne. Après un passage par Paris et la Belgique, il accepte un poste de professeur à l’université de Princeton (États-Unis).
En 1939, il écrit au président américain Franklin D. Roosevelt pour lui demander de lancer un programme de recherche sur l’énergie nucléaire, afin de ne pas laisser l’Allemagne nazie prendre de l’avance dans ce domaine (ce programme prendra le nom de projet Manhattan). Il ne fait cependant pas partie de l’équipe qui fabrique la première bombe atomique. En 1945, il réécrit au président américain pour tenter de le convaincre de ne pas utiliser cette arme. Lui qui est à l’origine de la physique nucléaire, il luttera jusqu’à sa mort contre la prolifération des armes atomiques.
Au-delà de la portée de ses travaux, qui sont à l’origine de la physique contemporaine, sa personnalité marginale et ses engagements politiques en ont fait un personnage mythique du xxe siècle.

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dimanche 5 janvier 2014


                WORLD NEWS

                                                Monday, January 6, 2014    (AFP)

The animals of the week

This small kangaroo named Karl Friedelich lost its mom. He/it is now raised by the family of the director of the park animalier of strohen in Germany. Lina Ismer, 6 years, takes big care of it.

The multimillionaire who has the most gained in 2013

The one that accumulated the more of money the past year. In 365 days, here is how much he/it won (not only the turnovers but well of clean heritage)
1er : Bill Gates, aged of 58 years, saw his/her/its clean fortune inflating 15,8 billions of Dollars, has 78,5 billions of dollars. it is the biggest gain of the year. he/it is also the richest man of the planet. he/it can thank the performance of his/her/its Microsoft actions that won 40% among others.

The history of love between Turned rosy Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Statham

Turned rosy Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Stathams are in couple since nearly 4 years.
After one pause mid 2013, the couple is more powerful than ever. One waits for a marriage with impatience !
Jason statham and Turned rosy Huntington-Whiteley form a discreet and atypical couple who evolves between hollywood and London. The young woman of 26 years is model and one doesn't present Jasons statham anymore, sinewy actor star of the movies the Carrier, Parker or Crazy Joe.
Aged of 47 years, he/it has 20 years of gap with his/her/its companion. he/it is in couple with Turned rosy Huntington-Whiteley since April 2010. The two are perfectly assorted. A beautiful blond to the lips pulpy and a big very brawny arm that can protect it and to comfort it at all times.
The couple Jason Statham / Turned rosy Huntington-Whiteley makes dream and shine on the red carpet on the least occasion.

Mode : Lea Michèle and Kelly Rowland to the beach for the new year


These two stars spent the New Year's Eve party in the sun, look at these two beauties benefitting the sun, the swimming pool and the plage !
We have been in 2014 and the stars some days ago have they also celebrated most of the time the passage to the new year in vacancy. It is the case of Lea Michèle and Kelly Rowland. All two didn't hesitate to appear for the New Year's Eve parties, sunny for them.

The tube of the song DRUNK IN LOVE of Beyonce coins critiques


Drunk in coils is the fifth song extracted of the album éponyme of Beyonce, in duet with Jay-Z. She/it left December 17, 2013, and surprised a lot of it by the brutality of the paroles . Some accuse it of putting the sexual violences forward…

Toward a scandal sanitaire ?

The director of the hospital of Chambéry ‘' will assume ' ' if his/her/its responsibility is in reason.
‘' one wasted our lives ' '. the parents of the infants died to the hospital of Chambéry carried complaint. The contaminated food pockets would be in reason. The minister of the health Marisol Touraine assured that ‘' all shares ' ' of pockets of nutriments had been ‘'S retired ' 'S.

Immigration :    the thousands of asylum claimants demonstrate January 5, 2014 in Such Aviv.

More of African 30 000 claimants of asylum entered clandestinely in Israel showed Sunday in Such Aviv, according to the police, the biggest gathering of this type in the country.
The demonstrators denounced the refusal of the Israeli authorities to examine their demands to get refugee's statute, as well as the investment in retention of hundreds of enter them.
‘' We are all of the réfugiés ! . Yes to the liberty, no in the jail ‘', they have chanted in English, waving the Erythréens flags and Ethiopians before listening to a set of speech.

Depredation in high seas in Senegal


The ship Russian ‘' Oleg Naydenov ' ' is moored in the port of Dakar, January 5, 2014.
Senegal wants to seize a Russian ship that he inspected for sins illegal in his/her/its waters and ask him a fine of 400 millions of FCFA (close to 610 000 euros) for recidivism, affirmed Sunday his/her/its minister of her sins, Haidar EL-Ali.
‘' the Oleg Naydenov, this big ship of sins that you see, that makes 120m of long fished fraudulently, without any authorization, in the ratings Senegalese ‘'S, he/it is currently ‘' between the hands of the Senegalese government, under the surveillance at a time of the national Marine and the State police national ‘', declared to the press Mr. EL-Ali at the time of one visit to the embankment of the Marine in Dakar where the boat arrived in the night of Saturday to Sunday. 


According to Russian medias, the ship had to its side about 80 people (about sixty Russians, about twenty Bissau-Guineans.