mercredi 26 février 2014



Liberia is a country of West Africa, giving on the Atlantic Ocean.
The relief of Liberia consists of  a maritime frontage  of approximately 600 km length; the coastal band alternates flat cultivated and rain forest. The interior of the grounds is dominated by a series of  plates  and immense  tropical forests.
The population of Liberia is made up of two principal ethniques groups:  the people autochtones  (95 % of the population) and  theBast ones  (of the descendants of freed slaves come from the United States to  the xix E century). Close to two thirds of inhabitants to Liberia are  animists  (belief according to which the animals and the objects have a heart), approximately 30 % are Moslem and 10 % are Christian.
Liberia is equipped with a significant hydrographic network, mining resources (iron, but, diamond) and agricultural (plantations of hévéas). Thus, before the release  of the civil war  in 1989, the country had developed an economy based on the production and the export of  raw materials  and basic commodities. But the conflict almost entirely destroyed its economy, which depends from now on on the international assistance.


3,19 million inhabitants in 2007
Monrovia (550 200 inhabitants in 2003)
99 067 km²
Official language
bast dollar



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the world since the XX E  century

What has it occurred in the world for more than one hundred years?  The xx E century saw being born and disappearing from the totalitarian systems; two world wars took place; countries were born, of the empires died; the "cold war" divided the world in two during nearly 50 years; finally, the nature of the international relations was modified.

THE WORLD OF 1900 TO 1945
The "Beautiful Time"

At the dawn of the xx E century, the world is dominated by the powerful ones and prosperous nations of Europe.
Two immense colonial empires, those of England and France, divide the world and dominate the economic exchanges.  Three other empires, the Empire austro-Hungarian, the German Empire (called the II E Reich) and the Russian Empire, divide "the old" Central Europe.
The world economy is in full growth, the industrial production increases, technical progress relate to all fields (transport, industry, chemistry, etc). It is what one calls  the "Beautiful Time".

Impact of the First World War (1914-1918)

It is often said that the First World War inserts the world in  the xx E century.
Already, it is the first war which uses  modern weapons. Especially, the peace treaties put an end to the great European empires.  The borders of Europe   are redrawn  and of the State-nations are born like Finland, Czechoslovakia, Poland or Yugoslavia.
At the end of the war,  the United States, which played a decisive role during the Large War, finances the rebuilding of Europe and becomes the banker of the world.They become also the first industrial power and manage to impose their economic standards. Lastly, they play a major role in all the international negotiations. The United States became  a super power.

Inter-war period

? The Russian Revolution of 1917

In October 1917, whereas the country are engaged in the First World War,  Lénine  and  the party Bolshevik  seize the power in Russia.
They found "dictatorship of the proletariat" (the government by the workmen) and set up a single party,  the Communist Party  of the Soviet Union. In 1922 the USSR is created  (Union of the Soviet socialist Republics).
When Lénine dies in 1924, it is replaced by  Joseph Stalin. This last directs the country until its death (in 1953) and founds a totalitarian mode.

? The world economic crisis of 1929

In 1929, New York Stock Exchange  breaks down. The economic crisis is propagated quickly in all the industrialized nations. During the years 1930, the world is in  economic recession, which causes deep social and political upheavals.
This situation supports the arrival with the capacity of totalitarian modes in Europe, causes direct Second World war.
? Appearance of totalitarian modes
After the Russian revolution of 1917 which sets up the USSR in Russia, of the totalitarian modes appear in several countries of Europe. In 1922,  Benito Mussolini  seizes the power and founds a fascistic mode  in Italy. In 1933,  Adolf Hitler  reaches the capacity  in Germany  and creates the mode Nazi. In 1939, the Francisco  nationalist Free  triumph  in Spain.
The first common point of these political régimes is to be  dictatorships, i.e. to impose on the populations an ideology and a single political party. They control also the economy, all the means of expression and communication, and practise the "worship of the head". Certain countries even set up a vast system organized to get rid of the enemies of mode (concentration camps, death camps, Gulag, etc).

The Second World war (1939-1945)

The most direct reason of the release of the Second World war is the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler in Germany. It wishes to avenge its country for the humiliation of the peace treaties signed at the end of the First World War; moreover, he wants to take a lead in all Europe where he seeks to conquer new territories. Japan makes in the same way in Asia.
The Second World war is long (6 years) and loophole (approximately 50 million dead).

THE WORLD OF 1945 TO 1989

Whereas the Second World war is not completed yet, UNO  (United Nations) is created, in June 1945. The objective of this international authority is to develop the dialogue and the co-operation between all the countries of the world, to avoid all new conflict.

Birth of the conflict israélo-Arabic

The shortly after the Second World war, the general assembly of UNO decides to give a ground to the Jewish people which have just undergone a génocide. She votes a plan of division of Palestine, which allows  the creation of the State of Israel  in May 1948.
However, the Palestinians react to the loss of part of their country and they are supported, in their claim, by the countries of  the Arab League. Thus the conflict israélo-Arabic in 1948 begins. It continues today still.

The cold war

At the end of the Second World war, two superpuissances were essential in the world:  the United States  and the USSR. As in 1918, the United States contributes to the rebuilding of Europe (Western). They wish to reorganize the world according to a liberal model. The American dollar becomes the principal currency of exchange.
On its side, the USSR wishes to benefit from its position of winner of the war to extend his zone of influence on the countries of Eastern Europe.
During one half-century,  the cold war  opposes  the Eastern bloc  (communist, behind the USSR) to  the block of the West  (liberal, behind the United States). The world is then cut into two: one speaks about  a bipolar world.

Decolonizations and birth of the Third World

In parallel, as of the end of the Second World war, a movement of decolonization develops in the colonies of the European countries. One of the reasons of this movement is the weakening of the colonizing countries, which must think of their own rebuilding. Moreover, the colonies are constant in their claims by the United States and the USSR which hope to see new countries joining their "camp".
In 1955, these new nations  born of the decolonization meet at the time of  the conference of Bandung  (in Indonesia). It is L ' "birth certificate" of  the Third World, i.e. the recognition of  a third world, at the sides of the blocks of the West and Is.

The construction of Europe

The countries of Western Europe (i.e. pertaining to the block of the West) take part the ones after the others in the construction of Europe. The first European alliance goes back to 1951 and joins together 6 countries (France, West Germany or FRG, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands): it is a question at the beginning of making impossible all new war between France and Germany by sharing their productions of raw materials making it possible to build weapons.
Thereafter, of many countries of Europe ask to join the organization, which extends soon to the remainder from the economy then to the policy. Today, the European Union  comprises  27 Member States.

The collapse of the Soviet block

At the end of the years 1980, each one their turn, the countries of Eastern Europe know upheavals which lead to  the fall of the communist governments. Free elections are organized and of the economic reforms are committed.
The example more symbolic system of the collapse of the Soviet block is  the fall of the wall  which separates into two the German city from Berlin, in November 1989: West Berlin and East Berlin do again nothing any more but one. The following year,  Germany is reunified: FRG in the West and GDR in the East disappear.
In 1991, the USSR disappears  in its turn, the profit of Russia. The brutal collapse of the communist countries of Europe means  the end of the cold war. After one half-century, the Est/Ouest opposition does not exist any more.


The disappearance of the bipolar world upsets the world order (i.e. reports/ratios of force between the countries). The diplomatic relations calm down between "the countries of the West" and "the Eastern European countries". Thus, in 2004, the European Union widens with the arrival of 10 new countries resulting from the old Eastern bloc; then again in 2007, two other countries join the UE; it gathers from now on 27 countries.
Another upheaval resulting from the disappearance of the two blocks is a greater universalization, on all the levels: economy, culture, communications. It is said that the world became a "total village", which means that the borders do not exist any more (or almost). However, this  economic universalization  and the liberalization of the exchanges increase  the inequalities  between developed countries and country in the process of development. The world passes then from the old Est/Ouest opposition to  a NORTH-SOUTH opposition, i.e. with an opposition between the developed countries and the countries in the process of development.
Despite everything the hopes put in UNO to preserve peace, the conflicts do not cease. For example, in Balkans and the ex-USSR, of  the nationalist claims  new conflicts involve, as the civil war which bursts in Yugoslavia (between Serbes, Croatian and Bosniaques) and causes the explosion of the country.  Terrorism  finally takes a new scale, as the attacks testify some to September 11 2001 in the United States.

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