mercredi 26 février 2014



A country is a territory  characterized by  a unit, which can be political, social, historical, cultural or economic. It is delimited by  borders  and is equipped with a Sovereign state; its inhabitants have  a nationality.


The number of the countries in the world  varies according to the selected definition. United Nations (UNO) regularly publishes the "list of the territories": it includes/understands the list of  the 192 countries  of the world members of UNO, and those of "Non-Self-Governing territories" (the Sahara-Westerner for example) and of "not car-controlled territories" (France of overseas for example). 


The borders are  artificial limits  decided by the men. For example, France divides borders with Belgium and Luxembourg in North, Germany, Switzerland and Italy in the East, Spain in the South: they are  the frontier countries  of France.

To draw the borders

On the charts, the borders are materialized by  continuous features  which draw the shape of the countries. On  the ground, they are generally marked by the presence of  terminals  and  customs houses, sometimes by a fence.
The idea that a border must obligatorily trace a continuous line on a chart is a relatively recent idea. Formerly, only the geographical obstacles constituted real borders. Then, as governments were constituted and started to worry about the integrity of their territory, they undertook to build fortified towns and border posts with the "borders" of the country. The border was gradually drawn on the charts like  an imaginary line  connecting the border posts the ones to the others.
? Sometimes two countries decided that the border which separates them follows  a natural geographical element: it is the case of the Rhine, which forms part of the border between France and Germany, while the peak of the tops of the Pyrenees draws that which separates France from Spain.
? Sometimes the border is traced in  straight line, in a completely artificial way: it is the case between certain countries of Africa.
? The borders  are sometimes disputed, each of the two countries asserting the same territory. On the charts, the disputed borders and territories are generally represented by the features in dotted lines and/or of the hatchings of particular color.

Conflicts around the river and maritime borders

If it is relatively easy to materialize a border on the ground, the river and maritime borders pose problems and are often sources of conflicts:
? when two countries share the same  river, the border is located theoretically at the medium, and  the resources  must be shared. But in the areas where water represents  a vital  stake (as in the Middle East), the conflicts concerning the exploitation of these resources are extremely frequent;
? the difficulties are even more significant with regard to  the maritime borders. Each country asserts a certain  sovereignty  on water which surrounds its grounds directly (i.e. he wants to have a certain part of the sea or ocean, as well as he has his terrestrial territory); in the same way, each country asserts to be able to exploit the maritime resources (fishing, resources of the basement like oil) of the water located near its territory. In practice, to trace clear limits is difficult and this question is a constant source of conflicts in the world.

The borders have a history

The current layout of the borders such as one can see them on a chart results from a history. Besides it is enough to look at charts of the world going back to various periods to realize it.
? For certain countries, the constitution of the own territory (and thus delimitation of the borders) were done according to  a natural process: it is in particular the case of the islands.
? In other areas of the world on the other hand, the relatively complex layout of the borders is the result of  a historical construction: it is the case in Europe in particular, where each country fought to establish its own territory. The drawing of France, for example, varied much during its history.
? For other countries, the layout of the border does not result from a historical construction, but from  an external decision. It is the case of many countries of Africa, which kept the borders traced "with the rule" by the European colonial powers to  the xix E century; it is also the case of the old Soviet republics (Latvia, Lithuania, Bielorussia, etc), which preserved the borders decided by the old USSR (today Russia). This situation, which does not respect the will of self-determination of the people, is also a source of conflicts.
? Lastly, of alliances  as the European Union allow to soften the concept of border: the European citizens have the right to move and remain freely on the territory of the Member States.

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The Vikings are men from  Scandinavia  (Denmark, Sweden, Norway).


The Vikings appear to  the VI E century after J-C, and are initially known to be  tradesmen,  fishermen  and especially of  remarkable carpenters.
One found many poems and chansons de geste, written in  runes  (the writing of the Vikings) which describes their civilization marked by an original religion, dominated by the gods  Odin, god of the War, and  Thor, god of the Thunder.


The destruction of the large commercial axes as well as the decline of the Empire carolingien encourage the Vikings to come  to plunder  the countries close as of the end to  the viii E century.
They move on  drakkars, long fast and light boats out of wooden which as well make it possible to sail on the open sea as to go up the rivers using oars.


The Vikings make many incursions in  Ireland  (where they melt Dublin), in  England  (they settle in the north of the country) and in  France. They also venture in  Spain  and cross the Straits of Gibraltar, in the Mediterranean, to join Italy in particular. Little by little, they enhardissent and assemble very great forwardings.
To the east, the Vikings lead many  raids  and seize Aachen, the capital of Carolingiens (today in  Germany). They move then towards  Russia  and the Ukraine, where they are known under the name of Varègues, and melt the first principalities of Novgorod and Kiev (at the origin of the Russian State).


Sailing towards the west, the Vikings settle in  Iceland  but, in 981, one as of their,  Erik the Red, is driven out country for murder. It takes the sea and discovers an island which it baptizes  Greenland  ("green ground").
His/her son, Leif Eriksson, venture even more in the west, meet  Labrador and Newfoundland  and reached the gulf of the St. Lawrence which it baptizes Vinland ("country of the vine").
The Vikings are thus the first Europeans to press  the American continent, five centuries before Christophe Colomb!


In France, the Vikings go up the Seine to Paris, which must pay a heavy tribute to make them leave.They left the memory of cruel plunderers.
It is true that the Vikings attack the churches and with the supposed convents to contain treasures and that testimonys which one has are precisely those of monks and priests, the only ones who can write among the population.
In 911, the Norwegian head  Rollon, installed in the valley of the low Seine for several years, has threatened all north of France. Incompetent to join together an army sufficient and preferring to buy peace, the king Charles III the Simple one yields a territory to him:  Normandy  ("ground of the men of North"). In exchange, Rollon is made baptize and become its vassal.
Starting from X E century, the raids rarefy because the majority of the Vikings converted with Christianity; it is to them thus interdict to take slaves in the Christian countries.

The role of the Vikings in the history proves very significant since they integrated into Europe the countries of north, jeté the bases of future Russia and left significant traces in Ireland, like in England and France.

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Liberia is a country of West Africa, giving on the Atlantic Ocean.
The relief of Liberia consists of  a maritime frontage  of approximately 600 km length; the coastal band alternates flat cultivated and rain forest. The interior of the grounds is dominated by a series of  plates  and immense  tropical forests.
The population of Liberia is made up of two principal ethniques groups:  the people autochtones  (95 % of the population) and  theBast ones  (of the descendants of freed slaves come from the United States to  the xix E century). Close to two thirds of inhabitants to Liberia are  animists  (belief according to which the animals and the objects have a heart), approximately 30 % are Moslem and 10 % are Christian.
Liberia is equipped with a significant hydrographic network, mining resources (iron, but, diamond) and agricultural (plantations of hévéas). Thus, before the release  of the civil war  in 1989, the country had developed an economy based on the production and the export of  raw materials  and basic commodities. But the conflict almost entirely destroyed its economy, which depends from now on on the international assistance.


3,19 million inhabitants in 2007
Monrovia (550 200 inhabitants in 2003)
99 067 km²
Official language
bast dollar



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