jeudi 20 mars 2014


French history

France holds its name of the Francs, people which were installed on the territory after the fall of the Roman Empire. Here essential reference marks of the French history.
It is with the Middle Ages that France of today constitutes itself. Several dynasties follow one another the head of the territory, which passes from the kingdom of the Francs to the kingdom of France.
First dynasty of kings de France, the dynasty of Mérovingiens  is rested by Clovis; it reigned from 481 to 751. Its principal members are Clovis (481-511), Clotaire (558-561) and  Dagobert  (629-639). 
The kings mérovingiens (of the Francs) constitute  the first honest kingdom. 
The last kings are called "the lazy kings " to have left the capacity to  the mayors of the palate, in particular in Charles Martel (the father of Pip the Brief).
In 732, Charles Martel  pushes back the Arabs close to Poitiers.
Second dynasty of kings de France, the dynasty of Carolingiens  is rested by Pépin the Brief; it reigned from 751 to 987. Its principal members are Pépin the Brief (751-768),  Charlemagne  (768-814),  Louis the Piles  (814-840) and Charles the Bald person (843-877). 
The Empire carolingien  is founded in year 800 by Charlemagne. It is the first empire of Western Europe since the disappearance of the Roman Empire to  O C century. 
To the ix E century, the Vikings  (of the sailors of Scandinavia) unload on the French coasts and start to plunder the country. In 911, the king carolingien prefers to buy peace and yields to the king Rollon Viking  Normandy  ("ground of the men of North").
Third dynasty of kings de France, the dynasty of Capétiens  is rested by Hugues Capet; it reigned from 987 to 1328. Its principal members are Hugues Capet (987-996), Robert the Piles (996-1031),  Philippe Auguste  (1180-1223),  Saint Louis  (1226-1270) and  Philippe the Beautiful one  (1285-1314). 
In 1095, the pope states the war holy against the Moslems of the Middle East in order to release the holy places of Christianity. Many Christians answer this call to the crusade. It is in all  eight crusades  that the Christians will launch, between 1095 and 1270, against the Moslems of the Middle East. 
First Valois
Fourth dynasty of kings de France, the dynasty of Valois  is rested by Philippe de Valois; it reigned of 1328 to 1589, with horse between the Middle Ages and Ancien Régime. Its principal members during the medieval period are Philippe de Valois (1328-1350), Jean II the Good (1350-1364), Charles V (1364-1380),  Charles VII  (1422-1461),  Louis XI  (1463-1483) and Charles VIII (1483-1498). 
Between 1337 and 1453, the kings of France and England are opposed during  the One hundred Year old war. Ground owners in France, the English sovereigns assert the crown and, with the wire of their victories, seize the territory. However, in 1429,  Jeanne d' Arc  convinces the king Charles VII to give him an army and releases part of France. It is the beginning of the final reconquest and the French victory. 
Since 1448, in full One hundred Year old war, a great  epidemic of Black Death  arrives to France by the wearing of Marseilles. It devastates all Europe.
Since the end of the Middle Ages, the kings of France do not cease affirming their authority. The operation of the mode that they set up, Ancien Régime, rests on: 

? the Church; 
?  the government by the king; 
? the division of  the company in three orders  (clergy, the nobility and the third state); 
? the granting of privileges  on certain subjects. 
The Valois last
Founded with the Middle Ages by Philippe de Valois, the dynasty of Valois reigned on France under three successive branches: Valois direct, Valois-Orleans and Valois-Angouleme. Its principal members during the modern period are Charles VIII (1483-1498), Louis XII (1498-1515),  François I er  (1515-1547) and Henri III (1574-1589). 
Between 1494 and 1559, Valois launch out to the conquest of Italy ( wars of Italy). Although they fail militarily, they grow rich by their discovery of arts of  the Italian  Rebirth; they invite artists in France then (like Léonard de Vinci) and make set up  the castles of the Loire Valley. 
The Protestant religion, rested by the German Martin Luther at the beginning of  the xvi E century, is spread in France thanks to the lesson of the theologist  Jean Calvin. The Protestants of France are called the huguenots.
Between 1562 and 1598, eight  wars of religion  oppose the catholics and the Protestants, and tear the kingdom of France. They are punctuated by true massacres, as  the massacre of Saint-Barthélemy  who causes the death of 3 000 Protestants in Paris, in 1572. The wars of religion end with the edict of Nantes, promulgated in 1598.
Fifth dynasty of kings de France, the dynasty of the Bourbons  is rested by Henri IV  of Navarre; it reigned of 1589 to 1792 (then again to  the xix E century). During Ancien Régime, its members are Henri IV (1589-1610),  Louis XIII  (1610-1643),  Louis XIV  (1643-1715),  Louis XV  (1715-1774) and  Louis XVI  (1774-1792). 
Henri IV puts an end to the wars of religion and brings back peace in the kingdom of France by promulgating the edict of Nantes  in 1598. 
During the childhood of Louis XIV, a great revolt of the princes shakes the kingdom (the Sling). The sovereign, called  the Sun king, decides to set up a mode of any power since 1661: absolutism. It makes increase  the castle of Versailles, where it settles and accomodates its immense court (what enables him to supervise the large princes).
To the xviii E century, called the "century of the Lights ", the philosophers develop the ideas of freedom and equality. They think of new systems of government which gradually call into question the absolute monarchy. The principal work of the philosophers of the Lights is  the Encyclopaedia  of Diderot and Alembert.
The French revolution
The French revolution bursts in May 1789 and lasts ten years, until November 1799. It upsets the French history deeply, by reversing monarchy to set up the first republic of the French history; it exports also its principles of equality and democracy in the rest of Europe. The French revolution is divided into several periods, which correspond to the successive revolutionary assemblies.
1. Constituent (or the constituent French National Assembly) the control surface France from July 1789 to October 1791. It is in the beginning many innovative laws and, in particular,  Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen. It is also under the Constituent one that the first French Constitution is written.
2. The Legislative one (or the legislative Parliament) directs revolutionary France from October 1791 at September 1792. It is during the Legislative one that  monarchy is abolished  and that the king Louis XVI is relieved.
3. Convention (or national Convention) is the assembly which directs France from September 1792 at October 1795. In September 1792, the revolutionists proclaim  the I Re Republic  (which lasts until 1799). To sit the new mode, they condemn and guillotinent the king (January 1793).
4. The Directory lasts from October 1795 at November 1799. This moderate mode directed by five people (Directors) must fight at the same time the partisans of one return to monarchy and the revolutionists more the extremists.
First Empire
French General, Napoleon Bonaparte puts a term at the Revolution in 1799 by  the coup d'etat  of the 18 Brumaire. He then becomes the First consul of the new mode (Consulate).
The Empire napoléonien itself, or  First Empire, is founded in 1804; Napoleon Bonaparte, crowned emperor, takes the name of  Napoleon I er. He reigns as a Master on Europe until 1815. Except for England, all the European States either vassal, or are then combined Empire napoléonien.
One calls "Restoration" the monarchical system which succeeded the period napoléonienne and directed France between 1814 and 1830.  The dynasty of the Bourbons, which lost the throne since the French revolution, "is restored" with the accession with the throne of the two brothers of Louis XVI:  Louis XVIII  (1814-1824), then  Charles X  (1824-1830).
The monarchy of July
In July 1830, the people revolt against the king Charles X and offer the throne of France  to Louis-Philippe  (a member of  the dynasty of Bourbon-Orleans). The new mode, called the monarchy of July, lasts until 1848.
The II E Republic
The II E République of the French history is proclaimed in February 1848, following a popular revolution. It is for this period that is instituted  the male vote for all. The II E République lasts only four years: its president, prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (the nephew of Napoleon), makes  a coup d'etat  in December 1851 and founds the Second Empire in January 1852.
Second Empire
The Second Empire, directed by Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (become  Napoleon III), is the mode which directs France of 1852 to 1870. It is one period of great  economic advancement  (industrial revolution), which sees also the development of the working class. The Second Empire breaks down in 1870, during  the Franco-German war  (1870-1871).
The III E Republic
Created in 1870, the III E République consolidates the French democracy as a voter of the fundamental laws:  school laws  of Jules Ferry (1879-1882), law of  the separation of the Church and the State  (1905), law over  the duration of the working time  and law creating  the paid-leaves  (1936, for the period called  the Popular Front). It is as under this mode as  the First World War  bursts. The III E République ends in 1940, during  the Second World war.
The mode of Vichy
In July 1940, in full world war,  the Pétain marshal  obtains the full powerss. He installs his government in Vichy and sets up  a mode of collaboration  with the Nazi Germany. The Vichy government lasts until the release of France in 1944. It is replaced by a provisional government, until the proclamation of a new Constitution.
The IV E Republic
In 1946, a new Constitution is proclaimed; it sets up the IV E République, which lasts until 1958. The IV E République is marked by  a ministerial instability  (a succession of governments, which weakens the State), by  the war of decolonization of Indo-China  (1946-1954) and by the release of  the war of Algeria  in 1954.It is also at that time that France is rebuilt after the war and knows a strong growth of the economy ("the Thirty Glorious ones ") and population (the "Baby-boom "). It is finally under the IV E République that France engages in the construction industry of the European Community  (in 1957).
The O C Republic
The war of decolonization of Algeria causes a serious political crisis and the collapse of the IV E République. A new Constitution, adopted in 1958, sets up the O C République, which lasts today still. The O C République grants independence to Algeria  (in 1962). It undergoes the social crisis of  May 68. It is also under this mode that France invests itself in the European Union, in particular with  the passage to the euro  (in 2002).

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history of Oceania

The history of Oceania can be divided into two great periods: history of the settlement of this area of the world before its discovery by Europeans, and the history since the arrival of Europeans and their colonization. Today still, of many States of Oceania are European or American possessions.
The settlement of Oceania was done by small successive stages.  The first newcomers  are  originating in Asia of South-east. Towards 60 000 before J-C, they move into a zone including/understanding Australia, New Guinea and Tasmanie. They are  the ancestors of the Aboriginals  of Australia and Papous.
Towards 25 000 before J-C,  Papous  populate New Guinea and New Hebrides (today Vanuatu, in Mélanésie). In same time,  the Polynesians  seize the archipelagoes of Micronesia. Each time, the scenario is identical:  when an island is over-populated, part of the population embarks on dugouts to conquer another island, sometimes located at hundreds of kilometers. This phenomenon lasts approximately to  the viii E century after J-C, when the Polynesians, parties of the centuries earlier of Hawaii, arrive to New Zealand after having colonized the archipelago of Samoa and the Tuamotu islands.
The whole of these companies live folded up on themselves and have few contacts with the others; they present very diverse cultures. They refer many common  however: they  are unaware of metal, know only wood,  live hunting and gathering  and developed a very rich art.
A long time, Oceania remains with the variation of European forwardings. Admittedly, Fernand of Magellan discovers the Pacific Ocean to  the xvi E century. But it is necessary to await  the xvii E century so that  the Dutchmen discover Australia  (1606),  New Zealand  (1642)  and the islands Fiji  (1643).
To the xviii E century, the navigators multiply the voyages, in the search of a large "southern continent". Certain scientists think indeed that there exists, in this area of the world, a large ground similar to the American continent; the philosophers then dream to discover the "good savage there", i.e. a natural man, not yet victim of the defects of civilization. It is accordingly that the French  Louis Antoine de Bougainville  (between 1766 and 1769) and  the count of Perugia  (between 1785 and 1788), just as the British  James Cook  (between 1768 and 1779), undertake several voyages in this area of the world. Although James Cook shows the inexistence of the southern continent definitively, that does not slow down the heat of Europeans.
Starting from the end of  the xviii E century, Europeans launch out in the colonization of Oceania.  The first colonists  are often  convicts, sent on the islands océaniennes to purge their sorrow (in particular in Australia and Tasmanie). Quickly, from  European missionnaires  come in the area to convert with Christianity the local populations. Other colonists come to work in  the European commercial  companies which install agricultural plantations there; moreover, this monopolization of the grounds causes many revolts of the local populations (the concept of property is then unknown in Oceania). After 1851, when gold layers are discovered in Australia, a new type of colonists unloads in Oceania; this "gold rush " generates the multiplication by four of the Australian population in 20 years!
Soon, all the great nations share the area:  Great Britain  dominates Mélanésie, Australia and New Zealand;  France  seizes New Caledonia and part of Polynesia;  the United States  annexes Hawaii, Guam, etc.
With the Second World war (1939-1945), Oceania knows one very dark period of its history:  the war of the Pacific. The shortly after the Japanese attack of the American base of  Pearl Harbor  (in Hawaii) on December 7, 1941, the Japanese launch out in a vast war of conquest of the area. Many islands are the theatre of  combat baited between Japanese and Americans. The United States undertakes a series of very fatal offensives to reconquer  Guadalcanal  (August 1942),  the Marshall Islands  (January-February 1944) and  the islands Mariannes  (June 1944). Several naval battles also make rage with broad grounds of Oceania, under the fire of the planes Japanese kamikazes.
In second half of  the xx E century, several archipelagoes of Oceania reach independence: Samoa (1962), Nauru (1968), the Fiji (1970), Tonga (1970), New Guinea-News-Guinea (1975), etc.
But in this area of the world, the decolonization proves  slower than elsewhere; in many archipelagoes,  the economic scanty means  prevent the small independent States from being, even quite simply autonomous. Some prefer to continue to develop in the shade of the American domination, like Hawaii, Guam or American Samoa, while France is always present in Polynesia, New Caledonia and in Wallis and Futuna. The Cook islands, for their part, are associated New Zealand.

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history of the Middle East

The Middle East is  an area of Asia, located in the west of the continent, with the doors of Africa and Europe. Its history is particularly rich: it is in this area of the world that for example the writing and the three principal religions appeared; it is also on these grounds that brilliant civilizations arabo-Moslem women and current oil the States rich person developed.
The Middle East very early plays an essential role in the history of humanity. It is indeed in this area that the man  develops agriculture  (hitherto it was hunter or gatherer) and becomes  sedentary  (and either nomad).
The "fertile Crescent"
The first cities appear  in Mésopotamie, an area located between the Tigre rivers and Euphrate: the "fertile Crescent". These cities (sumériennes, babyloniennes then assyriennes) organize and create a beginning of administration.  The first written form  is worked out to keep the commercial accounts (this discovery involves  the passage of prehistory to the history). The first  codes of laws  are made up (the known first being the Code of Hammourabi, to  the xviii E century before J-C).
New kingdoms appear towards 1000 before J-C.  The Hebrews  melt the kingdom of Israel to  the xi E century before J-C; it reaches its apogee under the reigns of David and Solomon, before being divided into two small kingdoms: the kingdom of Juda and the kingdom of Israel. For their part,  Phéniciens  occupy Eastern banks of the Mediterranean (Lebanon current) and develop an intense trade with Western banks (Greece, Gaule, Spain, etc).  Babyloniens  create a prosperous kingdom at the end of  the vii E century before J-C, under the reign of Nabuchodonosor II.
Starting from the VI E century before J-C,  Perses  invade and unify all Middle East. They are overcome by the Macedonian  Alexandre the Large one  into 330 before J-C, which conquers in its turn the area. It then passes to the hands  Romans, who found peace ( the pax romana). Starting from the conquest of Alexandre the Large one and during nearly 1 000 years, the Middle East is subject to the Roman influence of civilizations Greek then.
Ground of the three great religions monotheists
The Middle East is also the ground of birth of the three great religions monotheists (which have one god).  The Judaism,  Christianity  and Islam  are all three appeared in this area of the world: 

—towards 1300 before J-C,  Moïse  receives the divine revelation on the Sinai mount (in Arabia) and leads the Hebrews to the promised Earth (Palestine); 
—in the first years of  I er century after J-C,  Jesus  grows as a Galileo (today in Israel) and joined the city of Jerusalem where it preaches the divine word; 
—at the beginning of  the vii E century,  Mahomet  receives the revelation of God in Mecque (in Arabia), before going to Médine. 
The CONQUEST Arabo-Moslem woman
Omeyyades and Abbassides
Very quickly, the successors of Mahomet gain the territories close to Arabia. As of  the vii E century, the dynasty of  Omeyyades  installs its capital in  Damas  (in current Syria) and conquers most of the Middle East. In the medium of  the viii E century, the dynasty of  Abbassides  reverses Omeyyades and directs the area from  Baghdad  (today in Iraq). The domination of these two dynasties arabo-Moslem women extends as far as North Africa and part of Spain. This period is prosperous, at the same time from the economic point of view and the cultural level.
Seldjoukides and Christian crusades
At the medium of the xi E century, new conquerors arrive of the East, the Turks  seldjoukides, who install their capital with  Ispahan  (today in Iran). These Moslems show themselves less tolerant than their predecessors towards the Christians, which causes in Europe a call to  the crusade. In 1099, the cross ones seize Jerusalem and melt  the Latin States of the East. During nearly two centuries, the crusades follow one another to come to assistance in these Latin States, while Seldjoukides and their allies try to reconquer these territories.
The immense Empire ottoman
Gradually, a new power will dominate the area: the Empire ottoman. In 1453, the Turks ottomans conquer the Christian city of Constantinople (which becomes  Istanbul, today in Turkey). The Empire ottoman reaches its apogee to  the xvi E century, under the reign of the Soliman the Magnificent  sultan. This immense empire covers the major part of the Middle East and extends in North Africa and part of Europe. Its European border, with the doors of the town of Vienna, threatens Austria particularly.
However, the Empire ottoman declines starting from  the xvii E century. Taken in the quarrels of dynasties, incompetent to modernize his economy and its army, it must be denied against  the attacks the European powers: France (in Lebanon and in Syria), England (in Egypt), Austria (in Balkans) and Russia (in the Caucasus).It must to also grant significant commercial advantages them.
During the First World War (1914-1918), the Empire ottoman (ally in Germany) exterminates most of  the Armenian population, which resists its domination for a long time; it is true  a génocide. The defeat of Germany in 1918 involves the bursting of the Empire ottoman. Under the impulse of Mustafa Kemal Pasha (the Atatürk future),  Turkey  is created in 1923 on the remainders of the empire.
The Middle East Today
In the years 1920, the Middle East consists of a multitude of States, often under the authority of the European powers. As from the years 1930, the area knows a nationalist agitation in favour of an Arab unit. It is at that time that the Arab States reach independence.
The israélo-Palestinian conflict
The shortly after the Second World war (1939-1945), the general assembly of UNO decides to give a ground to the Jewish people which have just undergone a génocide. She votes a plan of division of Palestine, which allows  the creation of the State of Israel  in May 1948. However, the Palestinians react to the loss of part of their country and they are constant in their claim by the countries  of the Arab League  (an organization created in 1945). Thus the conflict  israélo-Arabic in  1948 begins.
In 1964, the Palestinians organize their claim of a Palestinian State around the PLO  (the Palestine Liberation Organization), carried out by Yasser Arafat. The conflict israélo-Arabic becomes  the israélo-Palestinian conflict. Since 1987, the occupied Palestinian  —territories since 1967 by the Israelis — are raised: it is Intifada, i.e. "the war of the stones". Israel and the PLO recognizes officially the existence of the other in 1993; the creation of a Palestinian State is then possible. However, the process of peace does not manage to succeed, and second Intifada is launched in 2000. In 2005, a new  process of peace  is set up, Israel agreeing to withdraw its colonies of the occupied Palestinian territories.
An international stake
As from the years 1950-1960, the Middle East is marked by the rise of the panarabism  (the defense of a unit of the Arab world). The exploitation of  the oil reservoirs  makes it possible the countries of the Gulf (countries of the Arabique peninsula) to experience a spectacular economic development. But oil is also the principal  source of conflicts  in the Middle East. It is coveted by foreign oil companies, which leads the intervention of the Western countries  to obtain an access to these oil reserves. With the centre even of the Middle East, certain States try to dominate the area, like Syria de Hafez el-Assad (between 1970 and 2000) or Iraq de Saddam Hussein (between 1979 and 2003).
In second half of  the xx E century, the Middle East also makes  great strides of Islam. Thus, in 1979, the Shah of Iran (the sovereign) is reversed by  an Islamic Revolution; a religious dignitary, the ayatollah Khomeiny, becomes the supreme guide of the country until his death (in 1989). Fearing an expansion of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, Saddam Hussein enters in war against Iran in 1980. After having fought Iran during eight years, Iraq is opposed to Koweït about the price oil and invades the country (in 1990). Starting from this event, several  international coalitions  intervene in the area, under pretext of protect the oil resources or to defend the freedom of oppressed people: in 1990, at the time of the war of the Gulf against Iraq; in 2003, at the time of the war in Iraq which sees the fall of the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.

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