mardi 18 mars 2014


medieval Islam

During all Middle Ages, the Islamic religion develops with the liking of the territorial conquests. This  expansion of Islam  gives rise to a true empire and to a brilliant civilization:  civilization arabo-Moslem woman. Art, architecture, the literature, sciences make extraordinary great strides then.


Mahomet and first caliphs

Islam is propagated from the very start of  the vii E century with  the conquests of the Mahomet prophet, who seizes most of the Arabique peninsula. After its death in 632, the territories controlled by the Moslems are controlled by the "successor of Mahomet" (in Arabic  khalifa,  become "French caliph"). The capacity of the caliph is political than religious as much.
The first four caliphs, whom one calls the "well guided" caliphs, reign from 632 to 661. During this period, the Moslem armies invade the remainder of the peninsula Arabique, part of Egypt, of Libya, of Turkey and Georgia, but also Syria, Iraq, Iran and Arménie of today.
Empire of Omeyyades (661-750)
In 661, Mu' awiya, the fifth caliph, melts  the dynasty of Omeyyades, which settles in  Damas  (in current Syria), and continues the expansion of Islam. In the east, the armies omeyyades seize the Central Asia, of Afghanistan, of Pakistan and part of India current; they are stopped at the borders of China. In the west, Omeyyades continue to extend their empire in North Africa, to the Atlantic, then invade Spain. They go then on France, where they are demolished into 732 per Charles Martel (the grandfather of Charlemagne).
Large conquerors, Omeyyades are also of large administrators and large builders. It is them which built the Large Mosque of Damas and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, for example.
Gradually however, dissatisfaction grows inside their empire. A civil war bursts and is concluded, into 750, by the inversion of the dynasty of Omeyyades. The dynasty of Abbassides succeeds to him.
Empire of Abbassides (750-1258)
Arrived at the capacity into 750,  Abbassides  transfer their capital in Iraq from today. The first caliphs establish a solid capacity equipped with a very developed administration. The second, Abu Jaffar Al-Mansur, melt into 762 the town of  Baghdad, which becomes the capital of Abbassides.
Under the caliphate of Haroun Al-Rashid, which reigns from 786 to 809, Baghdad becomes one of largest and the richest cities of the world. Each day, of the caravans abounding in invaluable goods arrive of the four corners of the empire and the close countries: objects in ironwork of Spain, perfumes of Egypt, spices of India, silk of China, etc. The Empire abbasside is made of a mosaic of cultures: Arabs, Berber or Kurdish, of Moslem confession, Jewish or Christian.
The creation of autonomous States
If Abbassides remain with the capacity until the medium of  the xiii E century, their empire émiette gradually. Autonomous States, more or less powerful, appear in various provinces: 

? in Spain, the last one going down from Omeyyades (which has escaped with the massacre of its family) melts an emirate with Cordoue to  the viii E century, which becomes  the caliphate of Cordoue  to  X E century; 
? in Morocco, the dynasty of  Idrissides  is born to  the viii E century; 
? in Egypt, the dynasty of  Fatimides  melts an independent caliphate with  X E century; 
? to Baghdad even, in 953, the political power passes to the hands of an Iranian dynasty,  Buyides. The caliphs abbassides do not have any more since the religious capacity. 
In the medium of the xi E century, Buyides of Baghdad are reversed by the Seldjoukides  Turks, who move the capital with  Ispahan  (in Iran of today). Descendants of a tribe of Central Asia, those migrated to the Middle East to  the ix E century and converted with Islam. They quickly take the control of many provinces of the Moslem empire.
Vis-a-vis this rise to power of Islam, the emperor byzantin (who fixes his capital in Constantinople, today Istanbul in Turkey) request assistance of the Christians of Occident, who launch out in a holy war against the Moslems: it is the beginning of  the Christian crusades  (1095-1270). At the end of  the xii E century, the cross ones run up against the resistance of Saladin, sultan of Egypt and Syria.
Then, in 1258, the Mongolian hordes of Gengis Kahn break on Baghdad, put it at bag and kill the last caliph abbasside. At the same time, the Empire ottoman  appears in current Turkey. Moslems, the sultans ottomans become soon very powerful, at the point to seize Constantinople in 1453, which becomes their capital under the name of Istanbul.
Art and architecture
Civilization arabo-Moslem woman is characterized by her art and its architecture. The Moslem architects make a significant use of the arches and domes.  The mosques  (places of worship),  the palates, the public buildings and the rich person residences are decorated inside and outside. These ornamentations, made  mosaics, reliefs in painted stucco and of wood, include/understand  geometrical reasons,  arabesques  and  penmanship  (a very stylized writing).
The language and literature
Coran (the crowned book of the Moslems) having been revealed in Arabic, all the Moslems must be able to read it in this language. Consequently,  the Arab language  develops and becomes also the language of the administration, the literature, the right, etc.
Under Abbassides, the Arab scholars gather the books which they find with the four corners of the empire; they bring them to Baghdad (but also in Cordoue), where they are translated into Arabic. This immense company of  translation  covers all the disciplines: poetry with mathematics while passing by the tales, as  L are  Thousand and One Nights.
Among the thousands of books collected to be translated works of the Greek  philosophers are, for the majority also mathematicians, doctors, astronomers, geographers or historians. These translated works are copied to be diffused in all the Moslem empire. Later, of the Christians (often of the monks) translate them in their turn of Arabic: thus the texts of the writers and erudite Greek were known Europeans.
Scientific progress
The scientists arabo-Moslems are at the origin of major scientific discoveries. Persan  Avicenne  writes  the Gun of the doctor E (counting all  medical knowledge  of the time), who becomes a reference in the universities of the Middle East and Europe.
The scholars develop their own  sky charts. Many stars kept their Arab name (like Alcor). They study also  Indian  mathematics. They borrow to them the figures from 1 to 9 and introduce  the zero. Thanks to this invention, they melt the decimal system which is spread in the whole world. These figures are those which we use today (and that we call besides "Arab numerals ").


On the religion: 

On the history and the culture: 
? characters: 
Mahomet Saladin Avicenne Gengis Khan

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Israel is a country of  the Middle East.


The State of Israel gives on  3 seas: the Mediterranean in north, Dead Sea in the east and Red Sea in the south (by the intermediary of the gulf of Aqaba). In spite of the presence of the Negev desert (which occupies more half of the territory), some  200 million trees  were planted in Israel since its creation in 1948.
More than 80 % of the Israelis are  Jews, while 20 % are  Arabs. Israel appears among the richest countries in the world as regards incomes per capita. 


State of Israel
6 352 117 inhabitants in 2006
Jerusalem (701 512 inhabitants)
not recognized by the international community
21 946 km²
Administrative cutting
6 districts
Principal cities
Jerusalem (701 512 inhabitants)

Such-Aviv-Jaffa (368 635 inhabitants)

Haïfa (269 417 inhabitants)

Rishon Ziyyon (216 851 inhabitants)

Holon (165 900 inhabitants)

Beersheba (184 200 inhabitants)

Petah Tikva (175 500 inhabitants)

Netanya (168 800 inhabitants)
Official languages


The modern history of the State of Israel goes back at the beginning of  the xx E century, and more particularly to  1948, date of its creation. Before this date, its history is that of  Palestine.
Cananéens are the first known inhabitants of Palestine. During the III E thousand-year-old before J-C, they melt of the cities, among which  Jéricho. Palestine is ideally located between Asia and Africa;  the territory  thus  is very coveted, in particular by Egypt.
The Hebrews settle in this area and create  the kingdom of Israel  to  the xi E century before J-C:  Jerusalem  is the capital. But at the next century,  the kingdom is divided into two: the kingdom of Israel (in north) and the kingdom of Juda (in the south). The two territories are then conquered successively by Perses, the Greeks and the Romans. Then  the Arab armies  take Jerusalem to  the vii E century after J-C.
Palestine is a Holy Land for Islam: it is indeed from Jerusalem that the Mahomet  prophet  is assembled to the sky after his death. From 1095 to 1270,  crusades  are carried out by  the Christians of Occident  in order to take again the holy places of Christianity such as the tomb of Jesus-Christ. The town of Jerusalem is thus with  the crossroads of the three great religions monotheists  (belief as an only one god): Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
They are then the Turks ottomans  (Moslems) who dominate Palestine, of  the xvi E  at the beginning of  the xx E century. The first movements aiming at creating a State bringing together all the Jews (it is  the Zionism) are born at the end of  the xix E century. In 1922,  the SDN  (the Company of the Nations, ancestor of UNO)  entrusts a mandate of administration of Palestine to Great Britain.
However, of the tensions burst between Juifs and Arabs, who assert the same territory.  The State of Israel is officially created by UNO in 1948. Several wars burst then between Arab Israel and its neighbors: it is the beginning of  the conflict israélo-Arabic, which perdure today still.

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Italy is a country of Europe.


Italy is a country bordered in north by France, Switzerland and Austria. All its other borders are maritime, its  territory  having  the shape of a boot  which advances in the Mediterranean.  Sicily  and  Sardinia  are the two larger Italian islands. Its territory is rather mountainous, in particular in north where part of the Alps is. There are three  active volcanos  in Italy: Etna, Vesuvius and Stromboli.
The Italian territory knew a long time  an opposition between North, industrialized and rich,  and the South  (the Mezzogiorno), agricultural and poor. These differences tend to be reduced.


Italian republic
58 133 509 inhabitants in 2006
Rome (2 553 873 inhabitants)
301 323 km²
Administrative cutting
20 areas
103 provinces
8 102 communes
Principal cities
Rome (2 553 873 inhabitants)

Milan (1 299 439 inhabitants)

Naples (995 171 inhabitants)

Turin (902 255 inhabitants)

Palermo (675 084 inhabitants)

Genoa (605 084 inhabitants)

Bologna (374 425 inhabitants)

Florence (368 059 inhabitants)
Official language


To O C century after J-C, the history of Italy merges with that of  ancient Rome, in particular of the Roman Empire. Italy is then invaded by  the cruel tribes, then conquered by  Lombards. After being controlled by Carolingiens, Italy is subjected to multiple influences and  its territory is parcelled out. The development of  powerful cities  supports the blooming of arts: it is  the Italian Rebirth  starting from  the xiv E century.
The Italian areas must successively deal with the dominations Spanish, Austrian then French.  Nationalist movements  are constituted to  the xix E century: their ambition is to release and unify Italy. The revolts follow one another and  Victor-Emmanuel II  is crowned with the head of the kingdom of Italy in 1861.
Italy takes part in the First World War from 1915 at the sides of the Allies. The difficult situation of the post-war period supports the accession with the capacity of  Benito Mussolini  in 1922: it founds  Fascism  and approaches Adolf Hitler. Engaged at the sides of Germany at the beginning of the Second World war, Italy is overcome in 1943. It lines up side of the Allies then. The post-war period is marked by  the restoration of the democracy  and the proclamation of the Republic. In 1957, Italy belongs to the six countries founders of  European construction.


? the capital of Italy: 
? two other Italian cities: 
Venice,  Florence

ancient Rome
Europe of the nations to  the xix E century
European Union

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