mardi 18 mars 2014



Israel is a country of  the Middle East.


The State of Israel gives on  3 seas: the Mediterranean in north, Dead Sea in the east and Red Sea in the south (by the intermediary of the gulf of Aqaba). In spite of the presence of the Negev desert (which occupies more half of the territory), some  200 million trees  were planted in Israel since its creation in 1948.
More than 80 % of the Israelis are  Jews, while 20 % are  Arabs. Israel appears among the richest countries in the world as regards incomes per capita. 


State of Israel
6 352 117 inhabitants in 2006
Jerusalem (701 512 inhabitants)
not recognized by the international community
21 946 km²
Administrative cutting
6 districts
Principal cities
Jerusalem (701 512 inhabitants)

Such-Aviv-Jaffa (368 635 inhabitants)

Haïfa (269 417 inhabitants)

Rishon Ziyyon (216 851 inhabitants)

Holon (165 900 inhabitants)

Beersheba (184 200 inhabitants)

Petah Tikva (175 500 inhabitants)

Netanya (168 800 inhabitants)
Official languages


The modern history of the State of Israel goes back at the beginning of  the xx E century, and more particularly to  1948, date of its creation. Before this date, its history is that of  Palestine.
Cananéens are the first known inhabitants of Palestine. During the III E thousand-year-old before J-C, they melt of the cities, among which  Jéricho. Palestine is ideally located between Asia and Africa;  the territory  thus  is very coveted, in particular by Egypt.
The Hebrews settle in this area and create  the kingdom of Israel  to  the xi E century before J-C:  Jerusalem  is the capital. But at the next century,  the kingdom is divided into two: the kingdom of Israel (in north) and the kingdom of Juda (in the south). The two territories are then conquered successively by Perses, the Greeks and the Romans. Then  the Arab armies  take Jerusalem to  the vii E century after J-C.
Palestine is a Holy Land for Islam: it is indeed from Jerusalem that the Mahomet  prophet  is assembled to the sky after his death. From 1095 to 1270,  crusades  are carried out by  the Christians of Occident  in order to take again the holy places of Christianity such as the tomb of Jesus-Christ. The town of Jerusalem is thus with  the crossroads of the three great religions monotheists  (belief as an only one god): Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
They are then the Turks ottomans  (Moslems) who dominate Palestine, of  the xvi E  at the beginning of  the xx E century. The first movements aiming at creating a State bringing together all the Jews (it is  the Zionism) are born at the end of  the xix E century. In 1922,  the SDN  (the Company of the Nations, ancestor of UNO)  entrusts a mandate of administration of Palestine to Great Britain.
However, of the tensions burst between Juifs and Arabs, who assert the same territory.  The State of Israel is officially created by UNO in 1948. Several wars burst then between Arab Israel and its neighbors: it is the beginning of  the conflict israélo-Arabic, which perdure today still.

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