jeudi 20 mars 2014



Hérodote (towards 484-towards 425 before J-C.) is  a historian  of Greek Antiquity, considered as  the "father" of the history.

During its voyages, Hérodote discovers various civilizations of Asia Mineure, of Babylonia, of Egypt and Greece, but also their culture and their history. Towards the 45 years age, it settles in Italy and starts to write its main work,  the Investigation  (also called  Stories).
The vast work has as an aim the medic wars, which opposed the Greek cities to the Empire perse to  O C century before J-C In this first historical book, the word "history " takes for the first time the direction of a study which was the subject of research, investigations, of investigations, even if the myths and the legends still mix with the account itself.


ancient Greece

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