jeudi 20 mars 2014



The INCA Empire is founded  starting from  the xii E century by Quechuas, populates originating in the valley of Cuzco, in Peru.
To the xv E century, under the action of the sovereign god  Viracocha, he knows a significant growth and grows rich by many territories and new people. Its apogee dates from the beginning of  the xvi E century.
The death of the last resistant sovereign,  Túpac Amaru, carried out by the Spanish conquerors in 1572, mark its final destruction.
The emperor, also appointed by the word "INCA", which means "Wire of the Sun", is regarded as  an alive god. He is venerated by the whole of the population. The religious life of Incas also rests on the worship of divinities like Inti, the god sun, but especially on the returned worship with Viracocha, god of the creative sky of the Universe, to which Incas offer  many sacrifices.


Very treated on a hierarchical basis and divided into castes, the INCA company is dominated by an elite belonging mainly to the family of the sovereign. The empire is subjected to a very rigorous administrative cutting and a permanent control of the representatives of the State.
The agriculture, based on  the culture of corn and potato, occupies a very significant place. Incas are also of  large manufacturers. They trace many roads which facilitate displacements in the heart of their gigantic Empire and raise many religious and administrative buildings.
The principal historic sites of the INCA Empire are  Cuzco, the capital, where a famous temple of the Sun is built, and the city fortress of  Machu Picchu.
The INCA craft industry is consisted by the work of bronze and especially  the weaving of the fabrics  which have a great value.

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