mardi 18 mars 2014


James Cook

James Cook (1728-1779) is  an explorer and a British navigator, who explored the Pacific Ocean and his islands.
In 1768, James Cook, then lieutenant, undertake its first voyage towards the Southern Pacific. It goes until to  New Zealand, from which it carries out very precise coastal charts. He is then the first European to be unloaded on  the Eastern coast of Australia. He regains England in 1771.
Left for the one second exploration in 1772, it skirts the ice-barrier, in the south of Australia; it is the first to cross  the polar circle the Antarctic.
At the time of his third and last voyage, in 1776, James Cook discovers some of the islands Sandwich (today the archipelago of Hawaii) then goes up to the Bering Strait, where it is blocked by the ices. Obliged to make halt in Hawaii, it is stabbed during a confrontation with the inhabitants of the island.


large explorers

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