mardi 18 mars 2014


Isabelle II of Spain

Isabelle II of Spain (1830-1904) is  a queen of Spain  of the dynasty of  the Bourbons; she reigned of 1833 to 1868.
Girl of the king Ferdinand VII, Isabelle II succeeds her father at the 3 years age. Whereas his/her mother Marie-Christine exerts regency, the dark kingdom in  the civil war. The carlists, who support gift Carlos of Bourbon (the brother of the late king), wish to establish an absolute monarchy while the partisans of Isabelle support a more liberal mode.
After the regency of his/her mother then that of the General Bardomero Espartero, Isabelle exerts only the power. The carlists, who continue their agitation, as well as the popular discontents, involve into 1866 of the bloody revolts. In 1868, the "glorious Revolution " détrône Isabelle which is exiled in France. The choice of a new sovereign involves new disorders until the abdication of the queen in favour of her son, Alphonse XII, in 1874.

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