mardi 18 mars 2014



Iran is a country of Asia  which belongs to the area of  the Middle East.


The major part of the Iranian territory is occupied by  a high plateau, of an average altitude of 1 300 m of altitude. It is composed of  2 large arid deserts  (Dacht-3rd Kavir, or "Large salted Desert", in north and the Dacht-3rd Lute in south-east). It is also bordered by  chains of high mountains: in north, along the Caspian Sea, draw up  the Elbourz mounts; in south-west,  Zagros. The point low of Iran is on  the Caspian Sea, to 28 m below the sea level.  The climate  is of continental  type arid, characterized by strong variations in temperatures.
Population of Iran east in  strong growth,  young person  (less than 15 years 44 % of the population represent) and  urbanized  (65 % of the population live downtown, and this proportion in cease to increase). It is primarily made up of  Perses  and  many ethnic minorities  (Azéris, Baloutches, Turkmènes, Kurds and Arabs). Islam  is the religion practised by 99 % of the Iranian population.
Iran is the 4 E producing world of  oil. Even if if only 10 % of the territory are cultivated, agriculture  is an economic branch of industry significant: Iran is for example the 1 world producing er of  dates  and  the Iranian  caviar represents 20 % of the world production.


Islamic republic of Iran
68 688 433 inhabitants in 2006
Teheran (11 689 000 inhabitants)
1 648 000 km²
Administrative cutting
28 provinces
Principal cities
Teheran (11 689 000 inhabitants)

Mechhed (1 887 405 inhabitants)

Ispahan (1 266 072 inhabitants)

Tabriz (1 191 043 inhabitants)

Chiraz (1 053 025 inhabitants)
rial Iranian
Official language
Persan modern (farsi)


History of Iran east initially that of the Empire perse: it is founded by Cyrus the Large one to  the VI E century before J-C and its capital is  Persépolis. Starting from  the vii E century after J-C, the country is conquered by the Arabs, then by the Turks.  The Mongols  of Gengis Khan then of Tamerlan invade Perse to  the xiii E  and  xiv E centuries. Ismaïl I er  is  the first shah of Perse.
To the xix E century, the country undergoes  the domination of the Russians and the British. However, of  the nationalist movements  protest against this foreign control, and  Perse becomes Iran  in 1934. The country is one of the founder members of UNO, in 1945. Muhammad Riza is  the last shah of Iran: he is reversed in 1979 by  the Islamic Revolution  carried out by the ayatollah Khomeiny.  The Iran-Iraq war  begins in 1980 and ends in 1988. At the time of the first war of the Gulf (in 1991), Iran remains officially neutral.


? the capital of Iran: 

the old Middle East

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