mardi 18 mars 2014



Inuit are people of the Arctic. Divided into small communities, they live in Eastern Siberia (Russia), in Alaska (the United States), in Canada and Greenland (Denmark). They are approximately 145 000.
They speak in great majority a language called  inuktitut, which has an alphabet only since 1880. But they speak also most of the time another language, that of the country where they remain (English, Danish, Russian or French).
In inuktitut, the word inuit  (plural of the word  inuk) means "the men". Formerly, Inuit were called  Esquimaux, a pejorative word meaning "raw meat eaters".


There are 8 000 to 10 000 years, the ancestors of Inuit, from Siberia, crosses the Bering Strait and settles along the coasts and on the islands of Alaska and Canada, to Greenland. The meetings with the European explorers take place to  the xvi E century, but 1850 should be waited until, and the arrival of the first whalers, so that the contacts with the white population multiply. Inuit are colonized thereafter.The political powers of the States where they live push them to give up their habits, and in particular with  sédentariser.
But, as from the years 1960, Inuit create associations  to defend their culture and their territory. Every three years, the Circumpolar Conference Inuit joins together Inuit of the whole world so that they can better protect their economic, political and ecological interests.


Inuit, which practised formerly a seasonal nomadism, are sedentary today and adopted a Western way of life. A minority preserved a traditional way of life however, even if the motoneiges replaced the sledges with dogs. This way of life is centered around  hunting  and of  fishing. The traditional habitat constitutes igloos, tents in skin of seal or of stone constructions and lumps of earth furnished with skins. 
Inuit live hunting for the birds and the marine or terrestrial mammals (seal, narval, béluga, whale, polar bear, caribou, musk ox), fishing (cod, salmon, halibut) and gathering (algae, shellfish, plants and bays). For that, they use the kayak or a larger boat, called  umiaq,  the harpoon and the sledge with dogs. Fishing and hunting provide them what to be nourished, be dressed (boots, trousers, jackets), to be heated and light (by using the grease of the animals). The mutual aid is essential and the game and fishing are shared.


In the traditional culture inuit, the family plays a great role. The woman takes care of the children, prepares food, manufactures clothing and the tents, fishes and makes the gathering. The man drives out, deals of the dogs, the weapons, the tools, the sledges, the boats and the dwellings. The marriages are sometimes arranged. The children enjoy a great freedom. If a member of the community enfreint a rule, the old ones meet to discuss it. The payment of a conflict between two men can pass by  a duel of songs, each one having to compose a humorous song making fun the other.
If Inuit  were gradually converted with Christianity, they were formerly  animists. According to these traditional beliefs, all the alive objects and beings have a heart. The animals and the men are close and can metamorphose themselves. The world is populated spirits, dwarves, giants.  The Shaman, left wizard, is supposed capacity to enter in communication with the spirits or supernatural forces. It is consulted to cure the diseases and to solve the serious problems.
In the past, Inuit practised a kind of football on ice with a balloon in skin of seal (the ajuttaq), the fight, iron the arm, the throw of harpoon, the high jump… Their  songs of throat  are very known. The women practised these duets face-to-face discussion by clutching the arms: one of both carried out and the other was to imitate it instantaneously.
Art inuit is rich in objects used in the religious ceremonies. It is about figurines in bone, out of ivory of Morse or whale, out of wooden of stag or stone, representative of the characters or the animals, the buttons, the elements of tools or the masks of ceremony. Since the years 1950, the artists and craftsmen inuit make the trade of sculptures on steatite, a known tender rock under the name of "stone with soap". They are also devoted to engraving, with basket making (baskets), decorative arts and the music.

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