jeudi 20 mars 2014


history of America

The history of America can be divided into three great periods: the continent  before its discovery by Christophe Colomb  (one speaks about civilizations précolombiennes); the continent for  the colonial period of Europeans; finally, the continent  since the independence  of the States to  the xix E century.
A relatively late settlement
The settlement of America is rather recent, in comparison with that of the other continents. It is probable that the first men  from Asia  70 000 years ago, while crossing to foot the cold Bering Strait (in the north of the continent). Towards the end of the VIII E thousand-year-old before J-C, agriculture makes its appearance. The first prehistoric companies develop starting from the II E thousand-year-old before J-C, in particular in the south-west of the current United States (like Pueblo), then in Mexico (Olmèques, Zapotèques, etc).
Great civilizations précolombiennes
It is starting from the III E century after J-C, and more still starting from  X E century, than are born  great civilizations  known as  précolombiennes  (i.e. before the arrival of Christophe Colomb):  Mayas,  Toltèques,  the Aztec ones  and  Incas. The three first are primarily in Central America; Incas for their part are installed in the Andes cordillera (in South America). Drawing their power from agriculture and equipped with political and religious structures developed, these civilizations with their way founded each one of great empires. The archaeological traces that they left are significant: Palenque, Tikal and Chichén Itzá (quoted Maya), Assemble Albán (quoted zapotèque) or Machu Picchu (quoted INCA).
As brilliance as that is to say their art, these civilizations précolombiennes appear fragile, of technical training and a genuine metallurgy. They do not resist the attacks of Europeans who unload on the continent starting from  the xvi E century.
Today, there is not any more a doubt that  ships Vikings, ordered by the Scandinavians Erik the Red and Leif Eriksson (his son), reached the coasts of America with  X E century. However, the capital date remains that of  the voyage of Christophe Colomb  in 1492, because this one opens the period of European colonization. On board three caravels, Christophe Colomb, with the service of Spain, accosts on  October 12 the 1492  shores of the islands of the Bahamas (or San El Salvador), before discovering Cuba, Haiti and Saint-Domingue. The navigator accomplishes then two other voyages, believing to have joined Asia, from where the name of Indians whom it gives to the inhabitants of the New World (one speaks today about Amérindiens).
To its continuation, other European navigators launch out in the adventure. In 1497,  Jean Cabot  discovers the coasts of Canada. Three years later,  Pedro Alvarez Cabral  reaches Brazil. In 1513,  Vasco Núñez de Balboa  crosses the isthmus of Panamá and sees the Pacific Ocean. In 1520,  Fernand of Magellan  crosses the strait which carries since its name, in the extreme south of America. Lastly, between 1534 and 1541,  Jacques Cartier  explores the coasts of North America on behalf of the king François I er  of France.
In 1507, the New World is baptized "America", in homage to the explorer Amerigo Vespucci who, the first, spoke about these new grounds like new continent. America then gives birth to covetousness from the European powers. Since 1493, the pope distributes the future grounds to be discovered between the Spaniards and the Portuguese, starting from an artificial line traced in the Atlantic Ocean and dividing the world into two parts;  the treaty of Tordesillas, signed the following year by Spain and Portugal, is strongly disputed by the other European countries, in particular by England and France.
Spanish Empire
Spain launches out the first in the conquest of America. In 1519,  Hernán Cortés  unloads in Mexico. With a hundred soldiers, the conquistadors, the weather  seizes the Aztec Empire  in less than two years, being captive the last emperor, Moctezuma II A little later between 1532 and 1533,  Francisco Pizarro  conquers the INCA Empire, in Peru.
On all the continent, thanks to their weapons with fire and their horses, a handle of Spanish adventurers come to end from resistance from Amérindiens. In a few years, the Spanish territories in America become  a colonial empire very well organized, directed by senior officials come from the court of Spain.  The gold mines, and more still  the mines of money  of Peru, feed the treasure of the Spanish Crown regularly.
The exploitation of the richnesses of the continent requires a significant labour: Amérindiens are then reduced in slavery. Made indignant by this practice, missionnaire Bartolomé de Las Put obtains in 1542 of king d' Espagne an improvement of their fate… which leads however to the development of  the traffic of black slaves of Africa.
Gradually, the Spaniards build cities, where a Baroque architecture  specific  develops to the continent (in particular in the churches). Many catholic priests, in particular the Jesuits, try  to convert Amérindiens  with their religion.
Portuguese Empire
The Portuguese colonize for their part  Brazil  since 1500. At the end of  the xvii E century, the discovery of great  quantities of gold  reinforces the role of the American colony within the vast Portuguese empire. In spite of the treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, the quarrels of borders between Portuguese and Spanish possessions in America are regulated definitively only in second half of  the xviii E century.
The Empires British and French
As of the xvi E century, the French take possession of part of Canada ( News-France) and the Antilles. Thus,  Samuel Champlain  melts the town of Quebec in 1608. In 1682,  Cavelier of the Room  reaches the mouth of Mississippi (today in the United States) and calls this area  Louisiana, in homage to the king Louis XIV.
Following the political struggles and chocolate éclairs which tear England to  the xvii E century, several religious minorities are expatrient in America with the hope to found a city or a colony. Thus, arriving on the East coast  on board  Mayflower  in 1620,  the Fathers Pilgrims  melt in Massachusetts  the first permanent colony in America. A little later the British repurchase with the Dutchmen the peninsula of Manhattan and melt the town of New York  there. Enough quickly,  thirteen British colonies  is established on the East coast of North America.
At the end of the xvii E century, British and French dispute the control of the trade of the furs and clash during fatal conflicts, each one being pressed on tribes amérindiennes. This long continuation of battles is completed by  the British victory  with the Plains of Abraham and by the catch of Quebec (1759). The treaty of Paris, signed in 1763, only leaves in France Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon and of the islands in the Antilles. But this victory was expensive Britanniques who increases the taxes and the customs duties in their American colonies.
The creation of the United States
The increase in the British taxes causes a revolt of the American colonists. They elect a continental Congress, adopt  a declaration of Independence of the United States of America  (on July 4, 1776) and name George Washington ordering as a head of their armies. The colonists oblige the British to capitulate in Yorktown, and in 1783, at the end of the war of American Independence, Great Britain must recognize the independence of the United States.
Wars of independence of South America
This victory of the colonists of the north of the continent has a great repercussion in South America, where the hope to release itself from the Spaniards and the Portuguese animates also the Creoles (Spaniard descendants born in America). The weakening of Spain (allied of France at the time of the wars napoléoniennes) gives to the Creoles the signal of the revolt. The government of Madrid does not have any more the means of sending troops to restore the order.
Between 1808 and 1826,  wars of liberation  are carried out on all the territory of South America  by large revolutionists: Vénézuélien  Simón Bolívar  (called  el Libertador, "the Liberator") releases Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru;it is also at the origin of the creation of Bolivia; Argentinian  José de San Martín  and Vénézuélien  Antonio José de Sucre  take part in the release of the Latin America, in particular of Chile and Peru. For its part, Brazil releases itself peacefully from the supervision of the Portuguese in 1822.
Thus at the beginning of the xix E century, the American continent is disengaged overall from the influence of Europe; there still remain nothing any more but some States under European supervision, as British Canada (which starts its process of autonomy in 1867).
Birth of the power of the United States
Throughout xix E century, the United States does not cease developing. They enter in  war against Mexico  (1846-1848) to conquer frontier territories (Texas, New Mexico and California). They launch out to  the conquest of the territories of the West, destroying and  massacring many tribes amérindiennes. Seriously touched by  the American Civil War  (1861-1865)  —which is completed by the victory of North over the South favorable to slavery—, the United States  abolishes slavery  during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln.
In same time, the country starts to impose its capacity. The United States repurchases Alaska  in Russia (in 1867), seize the Spanish territories of  Puerto Rico  (1898) and  the Philippines  (1898), obtain the concession of a ground in  Panamá —in order to build a channel connecting the Atlantic Oceans and the Pacific. They send their soldiers in America everywhere where their interests must be defended. They thus occupy during the first decades of  the xx E century  Nicaragua,  Haiti,  the Dominican Republic  and control the island of  Cuba.
Political and economic difficulties in South America
In many countries of South America, the army plays a significant role and  authoritative  dictatorships or modes are with the capacity since their independence: to  Mexico, Porfirio Díaz directs to three recoveries the country between the end of  the xix E  and the beginning of  the xx E century; in  Brazil, Getúlio Vargas controls by twice between the years 1930-1950; in  Argentina, Juan Perón asserts itself twice during years 1940-1970; in  Uruguay, Alfredo Stroessner directs the country of the medium of  the xx E century at the end of the years 1980.
To this absence of democracy is often added  economic  misery: the populations amérindiennes are put at the variation and the ground belongs to very great landowners. One often practises  monoculture  (only one culture), to sell the production in Europe, without taking account of the needs for the population: culture of  the coffee  in Brazil and in Colombia, of  sugar  in Cuba,  bananas  in the countries of Central America. The question of the land reform is in the heart of the political problems of these countries.
As from the years 1960,  guerrillas  ignite many countries of Latin America, where the population claims a better distribution of the grounds. The first guerrilla sees the victory of the guérilleros of  Fidel Castro, who founds in 1959  a dictatorship in Cuba. In  Chile, the government of El Salvador Allende (elected democratically) is reversed in 1973 by  the coup d'etat of the Pinochet General, who imposes a dictatorial régime as of the following year.
Relations between American States
Created in 1948, the Organization of the American States (the OAS) aims at an economic co-operation and a policy of common defense of the Member States located on the continent. However, in spite of the creation of the OAS and the installation of a Common Market, the Latin America always knows problems of development. A many countries must accept the assistance of international organizations, whose measurements dissatisfy the local populations. In 2002, the election with the presidency of Brazil of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as Lula (in favour of a universalization more favorable to the poor countries) raised much hope in South America.

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