jeudi 20 mars 2014



Haiti is a country of Central America, located in  the Antilles.
Haiti as country is located in the western part of the island of Haiti, from which it occupies one the third of the surface (the other part being occupied by the Dominican Republic). Haiti has  a mountainous relief  and  a tropical climate. Its southern part, which gives on the Caribbean Sea, is exposed to  the cyclones.
The near total of Haïtiens are  descendants of black slaves. The majority of the inhabitants lives in  rural zone.
Haiti is  one of the poorest countries of the world. It knows the strongest infant mortality rate of the Antilles and the lowest life expectancy (a little more than 50 years).Its  natural resources  are  rare. Agriculture does not provide sufficient incomes, and the food situation of the country worries the humane organizations.



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