jeudi 20 mars 2014



Guinea is a country of West Africa, giving on the Atlantic Ocean.
Guinea consists of  four natural areas:  a marshy coastal plain, in the west of the country, on the Atlantic Ocean;  the plate of Fouta-Djalon, which dominates the coastal plain;  the plate mandingue, which rises with the northern periphery of the country, at the border with Mali; and  the dorsal guinéenne, in south-east, where are drawn up the Nimba mounts (climax of the country with 1 752 m of altitude). The source of some of the large rivers of West Africa (Gambia and Niger for example) is on the territory guinéen.
The country counts four groups of population:  Mandingues  (originating in the plate mandingue),  Peul  (gathered in the area of Fouta-Djalon),  Soussou  (on the coast) and  people of the forest  (in the mountains of south-east). Islam  is the principal religion of Guinea.
The economy of Guinea rests mainly on the agriculture, which employs nearly 90 % of the working population, but the country is not self-sufficing in this field. On the other hand, its  mining resources  are very significant: the country is the second world bauxite producer, which constitutes its principal source of income. The hydroelectricity represents a significant source of energy; thanks to the rivers of Fouta-Djalon and Nimba mounts, Guinea is regarded as  the "water tower" of West Africa.


9 947 814 inhabitants in 2007
Conakry (1 365 778 inhabitants in 2003)
245 857 km²
Official language
French (official language);malinké, peul, soussou, kissi, bassari, loma, koniagi and kpelle (national languages)
frankly guinéen



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