mercredi 4 février 2015

Les acteurs de la justice pénale

     Les acteurs de la justice pénale

Pour bien rendre la justice, il faut entendre tous ceux qui sont concernés par une affaire et voir tous les aspects de cette affaire. Il y a ainsi différents acteurs dans un procès pénal : les parties, le juge d'instruction, les juges du tribunal. Qui sont ces acteurs et comment se répartissent-ils les rôles ?
1. Des rôles bien distincts
La justice pénale punit les fautes qui mettent en danger la société, celles que la loi appelle des infractions. Elle a donc des pouvoirs considérables, et peut porter atteinte à la liberté des citoyens (peines de prison). En retour, afin que rien ne soit oublié et que personne ne soit condamné à tort, la procédure devant la justice pénale est très précise. La préparation du procès est donc aussi importante que le procès lui-même. Dans la préparation comme lors du procès, chacun des acteurs de l'affaire a un rôle bien distinct et ne doit pas en sortir. Certains défendent un point de vue (accusation, défense, etc.) : ce sont les parties. D'autres sont en position de juges impartiaux : les magistrats qui se chargent de l'instruction et du jugement.
2. Les parties au procès
Pour qu'une procédure pénale se mette en route, il faut qu'il y ait une accusation — contre une personne précise ou « contre X » si aucun suspect n'est connu. Puisqu'il s'agit de défendre la société dans son ensemble, ce n'est pas la victime ou ses proches qui portent l'accusation, mais des magistrats, les procureurs de la République, qui forment ce que l'on appelle le ministère public. Au moment du procès, ces magistrats exposeront l'accusation en se tenant debout : c'est pourquoi on les appelle aussi magistrats du parquet.
Aussi , nous avons les autorités d’enquête (la police judiciaire, les membres de certaines administrations comme la douane, les techniciens et experts). Pour les affaires les plus graves, un juge d’instruction peut être chargé de diriger l’enquête afin de permettre la manifestation de la vérité . Un juge des libertés et de la détention peut en outre intervenir lorsqu’il est nécessaire, dès le stade de l’enquête , de porter atteinte à la liberté du mis en cause(auteur de l’infraction) par exemple en le plaçant en détention provisoire.
Les victimes d'une infraction, même si elles ne prennent pas en charge l'accusation, ont aussi leur mot à dire. Dans de nombreuses affaires, le ministère public agit après avoir reçu une plainte d'un citoyen (cependant, il n'est pas obligé de donner une suite à toutes les plaintes). Les victimes peuvent également se constituer partie civile, c'est-à-dire demander qu'une partie du procès soit consacrée à les dédommager du tort qu'elles ont subi. Dans ce cas, elles ont leur avocat et prennent pleinement part au procès et à sa préparation.
L'accusé ou les accusés, assistés d'un ou plusieurs avocats, forment la partie de la défense. Les droits d'un accusé sont protégés par le principe de la présomption d'innocence et par le principe du contradictoire.
3. L'instruction et le procès
Celui qui juge doit être impartial : le jugement ne peut donc appartenir au ministère public, qui serait à la fois juge et partie. Il est l'affaire d'autres juges, ceux des tribunaux ou magistrats du siège (qui restent assis au procès). En matière pénale, les juges du siège sont en principe tous des juges professionnels. Cependant, depuis 2002, des juges de proximité ont également été recrutés. Ce sont des bénévoles spécialistes du droit (avocats à la retraite, par exemple) qui servent d'assesseurs aux juges professionnels, voire jugent seuls des affaires simples (contraventions les moins graves).
En France, on distingue parmi les magistrats du siège, ceux qui jugent et ceux qui préparent le dossier pour le procès, c'est-à-dire ceux qui se chargent de l'instruction.
Pour chaque affaire pénale, on désigne un seul juge d'instruction — excepté pour les affaires simples qui peuvent être jugées en comparution immédiate. Pour rassembler les preuves et les témoignages, pour identifier et faire interroger des suspects, le juge d'instruction peut donner des ordres (appelés commissions rogatoires) à la police judiciaire, qui est placée sous l’autorité du ministère public. Les pouvoirs du juge d'instruction sont importants. S'il ne trouve aucune preuve contre un accusé, il peut lui accorder un non-lieu, qui lui évite le procès. Il peut, à l'inverse, mettre en examen un suspect, puis demander son incarcération (placement en prison) en attendant le jugement. Depuis une réforme récente, cependant, ce n'est plus le juge d'instruction qui décide de l'incarcération, mais un juge spécial, le juge des libertés et de la détention. Un suspect incarcéré est alors toujours considéré comme innocent (il n'est pas encore condamné), mais est arrêté par précaution (pour éviter qu'il ne fuie, par exemple) : il est en détention préventive ou provisoire et est appelé prévenu.
Quand le dossier est prêt, le juge d'instruction le transmet au tribunal qui doit juger l'affaire. Les magistrats du siège y président l'audience, où sont présentés les preuves et les témoignages, puis ils écoutent toutes les parties : réquisitoire du ministère public, plaidoiries des avocats de la défense et des parties civiles. Ensuite, les magistrats peuvent délibérer, discuter entre eux et en secret de leur décision, puis rendre le jugement.

Abus de droit

                    Abus de droit

l'abus de droit, l'usage abusif d'non droit, le détournant de sa finalité.
L'abus de droit is Une notion juridique, NOTAMMENT Associée au droit moral Qui Permet de sanctionner tout usage D'UN droit (Ou de clauses abusives) Qui Depasse les bornes de l'utilisation Raisonnable of this droit.
La loi des Droits Attribué aux PARTICULIERS. Les Titulaires those DROITS PEUVENT en utilisateur, en principe Librement. La doctrine classique Enoncé Que ne lèse personne Celui Qui l'utilisation de fils droit. Cependant, this adage n'à pas Une valeur absolue, la voiture «aux hommes de mauvaise foi», le point d'indulgence: Il Est Alors interdit d'agresseur de fils droit.
La question de savoir is Fait si l'exercice D'UN droit Qui entraine pour autrui non dommage Permet à l'auteur de CE dommage de se retrancher derrière fils droit verser repousser L'Action en réparation.
Il Est Presque unanimement GESPUB Que Tout exercice D'UN Ne EST PAS droit a priori abusif. Certains Ont Même pu Soutenir Que la notion de droit et d'abus Celle ÉTAIENT antinomiques au motif Que le droit cesserait Là où l'abus commencent. Dès sieurs couleurs l'acte dit abusif devrait Être Qualifié d'illégal, this being Dernière notion Différente de Celle d'abus. Doctrine et jurisprudence Ont POURTANT mis en preuve des Modalités d'exercice D'UN droit, Qui, sans Être à Proprement Speaking illegales, méritent la qualification d'abusives. This construction essentiellement jurisprudentielle Souligne Qu'il n'existait pas Dans la législation française de dispositions sanctionnant l'abus de droit de Manière générale. L'empreinte législative of this notion se reprendre une Quelques textes Spéciaux Dont On Peut soi Demander s'ils retiennent Une conception utilitaire of this notion.
Verser les Tribunaux, l'abus de droit apparaît D'ABORD Comme Le Moyen de réparation des conséquences dommageables de la nominale de De fautes, Ou A l'occasion de l'exercice D'UN droit. En droit civil, l'abus is revele Par l'exercice d'sans non de Droit Intérêt pour soi-même et le seul dessein Dans de nuire à autrui, ou, SELON Un Autre Critère, à Exercer CE droit en méconnaissance de Ses devoirs sociaux : ce est l'exercice inutile et sans but lucratif D'UN droit Qui mérite le qualificatif d'abusif.
Ce Faisant, le juge, par le Truchement de l'abus de droit établit non Contrôle, Plus ou moins rigoureux, sur l'utilisation des Droits. AINSI l'abus de droit au-il Été pendentif Longtemps l'instrument de Contrôle de droit de congédiement, et Partant du Pouvoir de l'Employeur. L'absence de la cause Réelle et sérieuse Aujourd'hui Suffit à caractériser l'abus de droit de licenciement.
Historiquement, ce est le droit de propriété Qui est à l'origine de la théorie de l'abus de droit. Il Est importante de relever le domaine d'élection of this théorie Dans la Mesure ou Le Code de 1804 civile fait du droit de propriété non droit absolu, et a priori Comme tel insensible d'être Exerce la DANS des conditions abusives. Aujourd'hui, un contentieux CE diminué sous l'effet du Développement du régime juridique des Inconvénients anormaux de voisinage. La théorie des trouble du Voisinage soi distingué de Celle de l'abus de droit, puisqu'elle Permet de faire condamner à réparation Celui Qui a causer un préjudice non un fils voisin Alors same Que CE ennuis Serait inhérent à juin Activité licite et qu'aucune faute reprochée ne Pourrait Être à Celui Qui le cause. La voie des Inconvénients anormaux de voisinage is ainsi aiSee Que Celle de l'abus de droit de propriété Qui Exige Que Soit rapportée La preuve de l'intention de nuire.
UNE AUTRE Sphère marquante D'demande DE L'abus de droit approx Celle Des contrats. AINSI, du Malgré le principe de liberté contractuelle, certains des refus Tenus de contracter de verser Sont abusifs. Par exemple, le refus de renouveler l'ONU contrat Venu à expiration is Qualifié d'abusif, lorsqu'on a des attitudes non équivoques Laissé entrevoir Renouvellement non nominale.
Ce est aujourd'hui l'abus de droit d'agir en justice Qui constitue le domaine de l'privilègié l'application de la théorie de l'abus de droit. Elle Est apparue Comme un Moyen de freiner les ardeurs procédurières et, par conséquents, Comme instrument de l'ONU de maniement susceptibles de participer a la bonne administration de la justice de la. Il en resulte la condamnation des actions téméraires et vexatoires, ous du Recours à des Moyens dilatoires à fin de ralentisseur Seule l'émission D'UN procès. Le nouveau code de procédure civile a d'ailleurs entériné l'attitude this prétorienne en édictant des textes sanctionnant expressement Diverses Hypothèses d'abus du droit d'agir en justice.
En Matière contractuelle, l'abus de droit est tres élargisse- sanctionné. La rupture des pourparlers is abusive lorsqu'elle is animée par l'intention de nuire juin, lorsqu'elle s'opère de mauvaise foi ous Avec Une légèreté blâmable. De Même, le refus de contracter is Parfois Légalement prohibé. Tel is Le cas du refus de vente ous du refus de contracter versez CERTAINES professions jouissant d'monopole de l'ONU.
Si l'abus de droit de causer un préjudice non, la victime a droit à réparation. En général Celle-ci sérums pécuniaire. Cependant, la rémunération Peut se faire par des Moyens, plus appropriés, tells Que la réparation en nature.

            Auxiliaries of justice

With uxiliaires of justice, together of the professionals, external with the public office, convergent with the administration of justice.
The auxiliaries of justice have jointly to take part in the execution of the public utility of justice, while exerting a liberal profession. One gathers in the category of the auxiliaries of justice lawyers, the solicitors and the ushers.
The lawyers exert a liberal profession and independent, organized in professional orders or bars.A law of December 31, 1990 gave rise to a new occupation of lawyer resulting from the fusion of the old occupations of lawyer and legal council. Previously, the latter had the right to give legal consultations, but not that to represent their customers in front of the courts. The lawyer, entered on examination a center of vocational training or CFPA, receives a formal training and practical sanctioned by the certificate of aptitude for the occupation of lawyer (WRAPPED). Man of law, it represents his customer, assists it, gives consultations and writes legal documents. It is said that the lawyer postulates when it proceeds to the setting in state of the file and that it pleads when it endeavours, by the word, to convince the judges in the court. The lawyers have a monopoly, i.e. the applicant must obligatorily resort to his services to carry his litigation in front of the court. However, there are exceptions, as in front of the magistrates' court where the private individuals can defend themselves or to be made represent by a member of their family.
The solicitors are members of the legal profession whose role consists in representing the parts in front of the courses of call. After having undergone successfully an examination of professional capacity and to have bought their load, they are allowed to exert by the general assembly of the magistrates of the seat of the Court of Appeal.
Present in the courts since the Early middle ages, the ushers belong to a liberal profession, organized in a co-operative and hierarchical way. After having made a success of the professional examination, the bailiff is named on decision of the Minister for Justice, after reasoned opinion of the departmental room of the ushers and the public prosecutor. He then manages a study with the collaboration of one or more clerks. He intervenes either in the capacity as auxiliary of justice, to mean judgement for example, or within purely deprived framework, at the request of a creditor. Wearing the dress, the usher is also in charge of the service of audience of the courts, i.e. of the assistance to the audiences, the call of the causes and the load of the significance of the acts.
Agents of confidential information, the lawyers, the ushers and the solicitors are held with the professional secrecy and must show an infallible probity under penalty of sanctions.

lundi 2 février 2015

the freedom

1 Left  era:          the freedom

Freedom means  the possibility of acting according to its own will, without constraint. First term of the French republican currency, it is  a fundamental principle of the democracy.
However, even in the democracies, freedom has  limits.


Freedom "consists in  being able to do all that does not harm others " says article 4 of the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen of 1789. The freedom of an individual thus has limits: the freedom of the others.
But these limits should not be posed anyhow: the Declaration says that they can "be fixed only by the law ". The democratic laws, without which anarchy règnerait, are necessary to guarantee freedom.
It is exactly what expresses, twenty-five years before the French revolution, the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau: "There is freedom without laws, nor where somebody is above the laws" (written Letters of the mountain,  1764).


Freedom actually covers with multiple aspects. This is why one speaks more readily about "freedoms " in the plural. These freedoms rise from the basic rights recognized to the man: they are the application of  the humans right, such as they were devoted to  the xviii E century.
Among freedoms, one distinguishes the personal freedoms from collective freedoms.
The personal freedoms  are rights which each individual can  only exert: the freedom of going and coming, freedom of thought, religious freedom, freedom to have a private life (the residence is inviolable, the secrecy of the correspondence is protected, etc), the safety (which consists in being protected from an unjust arrest, nonfounded), etc.
Collective freedoms  are those which several people can  exert together: press, demonstration, association, right to meet. The voting rights also belong to the category of collective freedoms: to vote has direction only if the whole of the citizens expresses his opinion.
Among these freedoms, some relate to also  the economic and social life: freedom to syndicate, strike, to choose its employment, etc.
It is in England that the personal freedom was protected most precociously.
In this country, the conquest of freedom was progressive. Since 1100, the aristocracy obtains from the king  a charter of freedoms, followed soon by  the Large Charter  of 1215 which limits the capacity of the king on the men.
The law of habeas corpus  of 1679 interdict the arbitrary imprisonment and marks, so a decisive projection in the fight for freedom and the dignity of the person.
Lastly, the Declaration of the rights of 1689, imposed to the sovereign, proclaims the guarantee of  fundamental freedoms  of the British subjects: freedom of circulation, expression, association, right of recourse against the king.
The English laws are largely discussed during all  the xviii E century by the French philosophers of the Lights. They inspire the American Thomas Jefferson, principal writer of the Declaration of American independence (1776) as well as the writers of the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen of 1789.
The rise of totalitarian modes in Europe (Nazism, Fascism, Stalinism) in the years 1930 showed at which point freedom was  a fragile asset, and the democracy a vulnerable form of government.
It thus appeared necessary, the shortly after the Second World war, to reaffirm these basic human rights. In 1948, UNO adopts  the universal Declaration of the humans right, who makes introduction and safeguarding of freedom a priority.
This one is however a right still ridiculed in many country of the world, in prey with dictatorships.

2 2nd   Part:  Personal freedoms

We are free, but we know that that does not authorize us to absolutely do all that we want. What the principle of freedom? Which significant freedoms each one among does enjoy us it? 

1Freedom, a natural right

All the democracies rest on the principle of freedom. According to this principle, all the men are free by nature: freedom is a natural right,  a basic right.  That does not want to say that each one can do all that he wants. As the men live in company and that they all are  also  free, it is necessary to fix limits at the freedom of each one to protect freedom from the others: "freedom consists in being able to do all that does not harm others" (universal Declaration of the humans right and of the citizen of 1789, article 4). As long as it is not established by the law that a behavior is dangerous for the life in company, it is authorized: freedom is the rule, prohibition the exception.
The fact of being free thus gives us rights which one precisely calls of  right-freedom, of the rights to act without being blocked (right to practise a religion, right to open a trade, right to travel, etc). It is necessary to distinguish these rights of  the right-credit, which are rights to obtain something (right to education, right to the family benefits, right to the vacation, etc).

2. Freedom and freedoms

As all that is not prohibited by the law is authorized, it is impossible to make a list of all freedoms. On the other hand, the Constitution draws up a list of  fundamental freedoms, those without which no freedom is possible, and which is particularly protected. Among these basic rights, the majority can be exerted by each one: they are the personal freedoms. Others, on the other hand, cannot be exerted by a person alone. It is necessary to be several so that they have a direction: they are collective freedoms.
 The freedom of going and coming  is also called the personal freedom in a strict sense. It is freedom to move and use its time as one wants. It is that which one is private when one is in prison. To protect it, the law punishes arbitrary detention hard, any arrest which is not necessary to justice. One can put in prison only those which are condemned for a fault punished by the law or the suspects which it is necessary to prevent from fleeing.
 The freedom of conscience  is the freedom of thought. It indicates also, more precisely, freedom to choose its religion, to practise it as it is wanted or to choose none of it. In a laic State like France, the freedom of conscience has as a limit the respect of the freedom of conscience of the others and obedience with the law, which is the same one for all without reference to religion.
 The freedom of expression  is freedom to communicate by any means (word, written, image, press, deliver, song, etc.) without the message being controlled before being made public. This control, which one calls the censure, existed in France until 1870 (beginning of the III E République), then was restored during the wars. There exists still today in many countries. But the absence of censure does not mean that one can say anything: it is necessary to respect  the dignity  of those about which one speaks. Thus, that which publishes charges libelous (false and that it can be false) or which reveals with the public of information, same exact, on the private life of a person which does not wish that this information be published, risk to be continued in front of justice. 

 3 2nd  Part:   Collective freedoms

We are not free separately, but in company. Is this for that which there are collective freedoms? Which are they? What do they have of private individual compared to the personal freedoms? 

1.  The freedoms exerted with several

The majority of freedoms are those of the person: these are rights that each one can only exert (freedom of conscience, freedom of going and coming). But certain freedoms have direction only if several people exert them together: they are called collective freedoms.
 The right of association  is the type even of collective freedom. There is association only if several people are concerned. Recognized in France since 1901, this freedom makes it possible million citizens to practise activities which are not possible that in group. So that an association exists, can sell, buy or to employ employees, it is enough that it is declared with the prefecture. The services of the prefecture are satisfied to record the declaration, without giving the least opinion on the reasons for which association is created. If an association does not respect the law, it is not sanctioned at the time of its creation, but later, by justice and on evidence drawn from its real operation.
 The right to meet  and  the freedom of demonstration  are, they also, inconceivable if they are not exerted with several. These freedoms are exerted about like the right of association. However, it is more current than they undermine the law and order: meetings gathering too many people so that the safety of each one is assured, demonstration disturbing circulation, etc. For these reasons, the law provides that the police force, in load of the law and order, can prohibit certain meetings or demonstrations.
One can also classify, among collective freedoms,  the all media  and freedom of the press, more generally, (audio-visual, Internet, etc). It is about a particular form of the freedom of expression: free transmission of information by professionals. It is thus not conceived without journalists, without bodies of press (newspapers, chains of television, etc.) and of course without public. All these actors have, indeed, need from/to each other. The freedom of the press is regulated, essentially, like the freedom of expression, but it is necessary also to take account of the constraints which the companies of press and the significant capacity undergo that the media have on the opinion.

2. Political freedoms

 The political rights,  like the voting rights, belong to collective freedoms: to vote has direction only if the community, the whole of the citizens, expresses his opinion. More generally, collective freedoms, as a whole, make it possible to the citizens to be organized, which is a condition of their participation in the public life. The freedom of the press is thus essential so that the elections are really free. The right of association is at the origin of the political parties, as well as trade unions, which gather the workers so that they can better defend their interests. Collective freedoms are the base of  the democracy

4 2nd  Part:     Limits of freedom

Even in the democracies, freedom has limits. How to make so that these limits are right? In which cases does have one to fix some? 

1. Freedom and the law: principles of the State of right

In the countries which recognize the humans right, the democracies, the men are free, but they are also equal in dignity and rights. The freedom of each one cannot thus carry wrong to the freedom of the others, which has the same value exactly. It is the direction of the definition of the freedom given by the universal Declaration of the humans right and of the citizen of 1789: "freedom consists in being able to do all that does not harm others " (article 4). Limits with freedom (a "terminal", known as the following sentence of the Declaration) are thus necessary. But the Declaration of 1789 specifies immediately afterwards: "this terminal can be fixed only by the law". One cannot thus restrict freedoms anyhow: one needs a law, discussed and voted by the representatives of the people. The law, indeed, is "the expression of the general will" (article 6 of the Declaration).
No public authority (minister, mayor, the main thing of college, etc.) thus the harbour due does not have reached to the freedom of somebody if it did not receive the capacity of a law from it. The decisions of the administrations which do not respect the law are arbitrary, in fact abuse of powers can be cancelled by the administrative judge. We are thus in a mode where,  to protect freedom, everyone, including the government,  is subjected to the law and the control of the judges: it is what one calls a State of right. The law itself cannot suspend fundamental freedoms. It must indeed respect the Constitution and certain treaties signed by France, which protect these freedoms.

2. Conflicts of freedoms

When two also recognized and also valid freedoms are in conflict, the law must intervene. It slices by regulating freedoms in question: it becomes possible  to reconcile  two freedoms or of knowing which has priority and in which case.
Freedom to undertake is one of the aspects of freedom. Each one is free to create a company, but also to buy that of another to join together it with his, to do what one calls a concentration. But, if a concentration are done in the field of the press or the audio-visual one, the pluralism of information (the expression of the different opinions) to be threatened risk and, with him, freedom of the press. This is why the French law prohibited the concentration of the companies of information beyond a certain threshold.

3. Freedom and the law and order

Freedoms can also be regulated  to guarantee the law and order. One thus calls the whole of the conditions which make it possible the law to be applied: justice can, for example, to continue, make stop and condemn the authors of infringements. Form also part of the law and order, the respect of principles recognized by the Constitution, like the human dignity, to which no freedom can carry reached.

Thus, the freedom of conscience makes that all the beliefs are accomodated in France. But if it is proven that a movement which thinks religious undermines the dignity of its members, by humiliating treatments or by them making act under the constraint, this movement (which one then calls a sect) can be continued and dissolved by justice. 

the freedom

1 Left  era:          the freedom

Freedom means  the possibility of acting according to its own will, without constraint. First term of the French republican currency, it is  a fundamental principle of the democracy.
However, even in the democracies, freedom has  limits.


Freedom "consists in  being able to do all that does not harm others " says article 4 of the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen of 1789. The freedom of an individual thus has limits: the freedom of the others.
But these limits should not be posed anyhow: the Declaration says that they can "be fixed only by the law ". The democratic laws, without which anarchy règnerait, are necessary to guarantee freedom.
It is exactly what expresses, twenty-five years before the French revolution, the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau: "There is freedom without laws, nor where somebody is above the laws" (written Letters of the mountain,  1764).


Freedom actually covers with multiple aspects. This is why one speaks more readily about "freedoms " in the plural. These freedoms rise from the basic rights recognized to the man: they are the application of  the humans right, such as they were devoted to  the xviii E century.
Among freedoms, one distinguishes the personal freedoms from collective freedoms.
The personal freedoms  are rights which each individual can  only exert: the freedom of going and coming, freedom of thought, religious freedom, freedom to have a private life (the residence is inviolable, the secrecy of the correspondence is protected, etc), the safety (which consists in being protected from an unjust arrest, nonfounded), etc.
Collective freedoms  are those which several people can  exert together: press, demonstration, association, right to meet. The voting rights also belong to the category of collective freedoms: to vote has direction only if the whole of the citizens expresses his opinion.
Among these freedoms, some relate to also  the economic and social life: freedom to syndicate, strike, to choose its employment, etc.
It is in England that the personal freedom was protected most precociously.
In this country, the conquest of freedom was progressive. Since 1100, the aristocracy obtains from the king  a charter of freedoms, followed soon by  the Large Charter  of 1215 which limits the capacity of the king on the men.
The law of habeas corpus  of 1679 interdict the arbitrary imprisonment and marks, so a decisive projection in the fight for freedom and the dignity of the person.
Lastly, the Declaration of the rights of 1689, imposed to the sovereign, proclaims the guarantee of  fundamental freedoms  of the British subjects: freedom of circulation, expression, association, right of recourse against the king.
The English laws are largely discussed during all  the xviii E century by the French philosophers of the Lights. They inspire the American Thomas Jefferson, principal writer of the Declaration of American independence (1776) as well as the writers of the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen of 1789.
The rise of totalitarian modes in Europe (Nazism, Fascism, Stalinism) in the years 1930 showed at which point freedom was  a fragile asset, and the democracy a vulnerable form of government.
It thus appeared necessary, the shortly after the Second World war, to reaffirm these basic human rights. In 1948, UNO adopts  the universal Declaration of the humans right, who makes introduction and safeguarding of freedom a priority.
This one is however a right still ridiculed in many country of the world, in prey with dictatorships.

2 2nd   Part:  Personal freedoms

We are free, but we know that that does not authorize us to absolutely do all that we want. What the principle of freedom? Which significant freedoms each one among does enjoy us it? 

1Freedom, a natural right

All the democracies rest on the principle of freedom. According to this principle, all the men are free by nature: freedom is a natural right,  a basic right.  That does not want to say that each one can do all that he wants. As the men live in company and that they all are  also  free, it is necessary to fix limits at the freedom of each one to protect freedom from the others: "freedom consists in being able to do all that does not harm others" (universal Declaration of the humans right and of the citizen of 1789, article 4). As long as it is not established by the law that a behavior is dangerous for the life in company, it is authorized: freedom is the rule, prohibition the exception.
The fact of being free thus gives us rights which one precisely calls of  right-freedom, of the rights to act without being blocked (right to practise a religion, right to open a trade, right to travel, etc). It is necessary to distinguish these rights of  the right-credit, which are rights to obtain something (right to education, right to the family benefits, right to the vacation, etc).

2. Freedom and freedoms

As all that is not prohibited by the law is authorized, it is impossible to make a list of all freedoms. On the other hand, the Constitution draws up a list of  fundamental freedoms, those without which no freedom is possible, and which is particularly protected. Among these basic rights, the majority can be exerted by each one: they are the personal freedoms. Others, on the other hand, cannot be exerted by a person alone. It is necessary to be several so that they have a direction: they are collective freedoms.
 The freedom of going and coming  is also called the personal freedom in a strict sense. It is freedom to move and use its time as one wants. It is that which one is private when one is in prison. To protect it, the law punishes arbitrary detention hard, any arrest which is not necessary to justice. One can put in prison only those which are condemned for a fault punished by the law or the suspects which it is necessary to prevent from fleeing.
 The freedom of conscience  is the freedom of thought. It indicates also, more precisely, freedom to choose its religion, to practise it as it is wanted or to choose none of it. In a laic State like France, the freedom of conscience has as a limit the respect of the freedom of conscience of the others and obedience with the law, which is the same one for all without reference to religion.
 The freedom of expression  is freedom to communicate by any means (word, written, image, press, deliver, song, etc.) without the message being controlled before being made public. This control, which one calls the censure, existed in France until 1870 (beginning of the III E République), then was restored during the wars. There exists still today in many countries. But the absence of censure does not mean that one can say anything: it is necessary to respect  the dignity  of those about which one speaks. Thus, that which publishes charges libelous (false and that it can be false) or which reveals with the public of information, same exact, on the private life of a person which does not wish that this information be published, risk to be continued in front of justice. 

 3 2nd  Part:   Collective freedoms

We are not free separately, but in company. Is this for that which there are collective freedoms? Which are they? What do they have of private individual compared to the personal freedoms? 

1.  The freedoms exerted with several

The majority of freedoms are those of the person: these are rights that each one can only exert (freedom of conscience, freedom of going and coming). But certain freedoms have direction only if several people exert them together: they are called collective freedoms.
 The right of association  is the type even of collective freedom. There is association only if several people are concerned. Recognized in France since 1901, this freedom makes it possible million citizens to practise activities which are not possible that in group. So that an association exists, can sell, buy or to employ employees, it is enough that it is declared with the prefecture. The services of the prefecture are satisfied to record the declaration, without giving the least opinion on the reasons for which association is created. If an association does not respect the law, it is not sanctioned at the time of its creation, but later, by justice and on evidence drawn from its real operation.
 The right to meet  and  the freedom of demonstration  are, they also, inconceivable if they are not exerted with several. These freedoms are exerted about like the right of association. However, it is more current than they undermine the law and order: meetings gathering too many people so that the safety of each one is assured, demonstration disturbing circulation, etc. For these reasons, the law provides that the police force, in load of the law and order, can prohibit certain meetings or demonstrations.
One can also classify, among collective freedoms,  the all media  and freedom of the press, more generally, (audio-visual, Internet, etc). It is about a particular form of the freedom of expression: free transmission of information by professionals. It is thus not conceived without journalists, without bodies of press (newspapers, chains of television, etc.) and of course without public. All these actors have, indeed, need from/to each other. The freedom of the press is regulated, essentially, like the freedom of expression, but it is necessary also to take account of the constraints which the companies of press and the significant capacity undergo that the media have on the opinion.

2. Political freedoms

 The political rights,  like the voting rights, belong to collective freedoms: to vote has direction only if the community, the whole of the citizens, expresses his opinion. More generally, collective freedoms, as a whole, make it possible to the citizens to be organized, which is a condition of their participation in the public life. The freedom of the press is thus essential so that the elections are really free. The right of association is at the origin of the political parties, as well as trade unions, which gather the workers so that they can better defend their interests. Collective freedoms are the base of  the democracy

4 2nd  Part:     Limits of freedom

Even in the democracies, freedom has limits. How to make so that these limits are right? In which cases does have one to fix some? 

1. Freedom and the law: principles of the State of right

In the countries which recognize the humans right, the democracies, the men are free, but they are also equal in dignity and rights. The freedom of each one cannot thus carry wrong to the freedom of the others, which has the same value exactly. It is the direction of the definition of the freedom given by the universal Declaration of the humans right and of the citizen of 1789: "freedom consists in being able to do all that does not harm others " (article 4). Limits with freedom (a "terminal", known as the following sentence of the Declaration) are thus necessary. But the Declaration of 1789 specifies immediately afterwards: "this terminal can be fixed only by the law". One cannot thus restrict freedoms anyhow: one needs a law, discussed and voted by the representatives of the people. The law, indeed, is "the expression of the general will" (article 6 of the Declaration).
No public authority (minister, mayor, the main thing of college, etc.) thus the harbour due does not have reached to the freedom of somebody if it did not receive the capacity of a law from it. The decisions of the administrations which do not respect the law are arbitrary, in fact abuse of powers can be cancelled by the administrative judge. We are thus in a mode where,  to protect freedom, everyone, including the government,  is subjected to the law and the control of the judges: it is what one calls a State of right. The law itself cannot suspend fundamental freedoms. It must indeed respect the Constitution and certain treaties signed by France, which protect these freedoms.

2. Conflicts of freedoms

When two also recognized and also valid freedoms are in conflict, the law must intervene. It slices by regulating freedoms in question: it becomes possible  to reconcile  two freedoms or of knowing which has priority and in which case.
Freedom to undertake is one of the aspects of freedom. Each one is free to create a company, but also to buy that of another to join together it with his, to do what one calls a concentration. But, if a concentration are done in the field of the press or the audio-visual one, the pluralism of information (the expression of the different opinions) to be threatened risk and, with him, freedom of the press. This is why the French law prohibited the concentration of the companies of information beyond a certain threshold.

3. Freedom and the law and order

Freedoms can also be regulated  to guarantee the law and order. One thus calls the whole of the conditions which make it possible the law to be applied: justice can, for example, to continue, make stop and condemn the authors of infringements. Form also part of the law and order, the respect of principles recognized by the Constitution, like the human dignity, to which no freedom can carry reached.

Thus, the freedom of conscience makes that all the beliefs are accomodated in France. But if it is proven that a movement which thinks religious undermines the dignity of its members, by humiliating treatments or by them making act under the constraint, this movement (which one then calls a sect) can be continued and dissolved by justice.