jeudi 20 mars 2014



Haiti is a country of Central America, located in  the Antilles.
Haiti as country is located in the western part of the island of Haiti, from which it occupies one the third of the surface (the other part being occupied by the Dominican Republic). Haiti has  a mountainous relief  and  a tropical climate. Its southern part, which gives on the Caribbean Sea, is exposed to  the cyclones.
The near total of Haïtiens are  descendants of black slaves. The majority of the inhabitants lives in  rural zone.
Haiti is  one of the poorest countries of the world. It knows the strongest infant mortality rate of the Antilles and the lowest life expectancy (a little more than 50 years).Its  natural resources  are  rare. Agriculture does not provide sufficient incomes, and the food situation of the country worries the humane organizations.



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the battle of Hastings

The battle of Hastings proceeded on October 14, 1066, in England, between the Norman ones and the English. It showed the bright victory of Norman  William the Conqueror  over the king Harold II of England. It is very significant in the English history because it made pass  England under domination Norman.
In 1066, the king of England Édouard the Confessor dies. Although the crown was promised of sound living with his/her Guillaume cousin, the duke of Normandy, it is given in Harold, the count de Wessex. Immediately, Guillaume of Normandy decides to take advantage of his rights and undertakes the conquest of England. He crosses the English Channel with 1 400 ships (400 for the men and 1 000 for the horses) and accosts on the English coasts with his army on September 28, 1066, close to Hastings.
The battle between the Norman ones and the English begin on October 14 in the morning. Each army counts approximately 7 000 men. During the first attack, the English protect themselves from the arrows and the javelins by forming a wall of shields. Armed with axes, they succeed in dispersing the Norman riders as well as part of the infantrymen. But the escape of Norman is a strategy: by pushing the English to continue them in the plain, they succeed in encircling them. Harold dies of an arrow which reaches it with the head and the Norman ones gain the victory.
? Little after the battle, Guillaume, called the Conqueror, is crowned king d' Angleterre. Gradually, it subjects all the country and imposes the feudal system.
? Normandy and England find themselves dependent for the first time of their history. After the death of Guillaume, the statute of Normandy will become one of the great causes of the competition between the kings of France and the kings of England.
The major part of the information concerning the battle of Hastings comes from the scenes of combat represented on  the tapestry from Bayeux. This wall covering was carried out at the end of  the xi E century at the request of the half-brother of William the Conqueror. It measures 70 meters length and is preserved at the museum of the Tapestry of Bayeux, in France.


William the Conqueror

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Populate Antiquity, the Hebrews have a characteristic which distinguishes them from other ancient civilizations: they believe in  a single god, that they call Yahvé.
Their history is at the origin of three great religions of today: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
According to the Bible, the Hebrews flee Egypt (of the New Empire) where they are reduced to slavery and go, under the control of  Moïse, in the country of Canaan which they call Israel. It is during this voyage (called the Exodus  in the Bible) that Moïse receives from Yahvé the Ten Commands, base of their religion.

Ten Commands

You will not have other gods in front of me. You will make no image carved, nothing which resembles what is in the skies, up there, or on the ground, ici-bas, or in water, below the ground.
You will not prosterneras yourself in front of these gods and you will not serve them.
You will not pronounce the name of Yahvé your God with forgery.
You will remember the day of the Sabbath to sanctify it. During six days you will work and you will make all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath for Yahvé your God.
Honour your father and your mother.
You will not kill.
You will not make adultery.
You will not fly.
You will not carry untrue testimony against your next.
You will not covet the house of your next. You will covet the woman of your next, neither his servant, neither his maidservant, neither his ox, nor his ass, nothing of what is with your next.


Once installed in the country of Canaan, the Hebrews must fight against their neighbors (Philistins). For that, they give each other  a single king, Saül, into 1020 before J-C Its successor,  David, creates the Jerusalem capital.
Solomon, third king d' Israël, makes build the first Temple dedicated to Yahvé. The kingdom of Israel, flourishing, is then with its territorial apogee. But with died of Solomon, it loses half of its territory and it is divided into two small kingdoms:
–in the south, the kingdom of Juda, with Jerusalem for capital;
–in north, the kingdom of Israel, whose capital is Samarie.
The two new kingdoms undergo the attacks of the close people. To  the viii E century before J-C, Assyriens seize the kingdom of Israel. A little later in 587 before J-C, Jerusalem, the capital of the second kingdom, is taken by Babyloniens de Nabuchodonosor II. The Temple of Solomon is destroyed, and the population is off-set. It is the Exile  described in the Bible.
In 539 before J-C, when Babylon passes under the domination of Perses, part of the deportees obtains the right to turn over in the country of Canaan; they are called Judéens.
The country is again conquered by the Macedonian Alexandre the Large one (into 332 before J-C), then by the Roman General Pompée (in 63 before J-C). The kingdom of Judaea becomes  a Roman province. More than one hundred years later, in 70 after J-C, the Jews try a great revolt but they are subdued by the Roman capacity: the new Temple of Jerusalem is shaved and the Jews of Judaea must flee. It is  the Diaspora  of the Bible.

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Hérodote (towards 484-towards 425 before J-C.) is  a historian  of Greek Antiquity, considered as  the "father" of the history.

During its voyages, Hérodote discovers various civilizations of Asia Mineure, of Babylonia, of Egypt and Greece, but also their culture and their history. Towards the 45 years age, it settles in Italy and starts to write its main work,  the Investigation  (also called  Stories).
The vast work has as an aim the medic wars, which opposed the Greek cities to the Empire perse to  O C century before J-C In this first historical book, the word "history " takes for the first time the direction of a study which was the subject of research, investigations, of investigations, even if the myths and the legends still mix with the account itself.


ancient Greece

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