mercredi 26 février 2014


Greek Olympic Games


In Antiquity, the Greeks regularly devote to  called sporting  competitions Olympic Games. These plays proceed in the city of Olympie where is located the most significant furnace bridge  dedicated to Zeus, god of the Sky and sovereign of the gods of Olympe. It is known that the first Olympic Games were held into 776 before J-C, but other competitions probably already took place in older times still. They disappear into 391 after J-C, when the Roman emperor Théodose I er  prohibits them.


the stage of Olympie

Built to  O C century before J-C, the stage of Olympie is the place of the first test of the ancient Olympic Games, the race with foot. The length of the stage (192,27 meters) corresponds, according to the legend, with 600 times the foot of the Héraclès hero.

The ancient stage of Olympie, located in the Peloponnese (in Greece), was cleared since 1958 by a team of German archaeologists.

The Olympic Games gather all the Greek cities and are the occasion of  crowned trêve  during which nobody has the right to make the war. They are held  every four years, in summer, and last five days. The period between two plays is called a olympiade; it is used as system of dating (of calendar) to the Greeks.


To take part in the Olympic Games, it is necessary to be a free man,  citizen of the Greek world. The women for example do not take part in it. Before the plays, envoys traverse the Greek world to invite the quote-States to take part in it. To take part in the plays is a manner of paying its tribute with the Zeus god.
The athletes arrive one month before the opening of the plays and start to involve themselves in the gymnasium.


After a first day devoted to  the religious ceremonies  in the honor of Zeus, the sporting competitions start. They are athletic, horse tests and of combat:

a race with foot

the races with foot, which take place in the stage (it measures 600 times the foot of the Héraclès hero, i.e. 192,27 m). One of the races, very appreciated of the public, has the characteristic to be made vêtu of an armour;
competitions of combat, in particular the fight, boxing and the pancrace (a combination of the two precedents);

a race of tanks

races of tanks and horses, which take place in the hippodrome. These tests are reserved for richest because its horse should be had;
the pentathlon finally, which is a series of five tests: race, long jump, throwing the javelin, throwing the discus and fight.
The winners of each test gain a crown of olive-tree. On their return in their city, they are accomodated triumphantly and again rewarded.


The Olympic Games are most famous and most honorary of the ancient plays to which the Greeks deliver themselves. However, there is different, the also prestigious one:  the Pythiques plays  take place with Delphes in the honor of Apollo;  the Isthmiques plays  proceed in Corinthe in the honor of Poséidon;  the Néméens plays  are practised in Némée in the honor of Héraclès.
The Olympic Games of the Greeks of Antiquity are the ancestors of the Olympic Games of today.

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Jules César

Jules César (towards 100-44 before J-C.) is a General and a statesman of  the Roman Republic, during  Antiquity.
Born in Rome, Jules César (in Latin Caius Julius Caesar) comes from a noble family. He exiles himself in Asia during the dictatorship of Sylla (82-79 before J-C). Then, of return in Rome in 73 before J-C, it undertakes a political career. In 60, it forms with Pompée, a very popular General, and Crassus, a rich businessman and influence,  the first triumvirat: thanks to this alliance, it obtains the load of consul. It engages in  the war of Gaules  and beats Vercingétorix at the time of  the battle of Alésia, into 52.
In 48 before J-C, César  walks on Rome  with his army. He fights Pompée, last obstacle before a capacity without division, and is made name dictator. From now on only with the orders of the Roman Republic, it undertakes deep reforms which ensure him of the increasingly significant capacities.  Proclaimed dictator with life  into 44, it  is assassinated  the same year by a group of senators.
Jules César became a mythical character who inspired by many writers. Its name gave the words  tsar  and  Kaiser,  who designated the Russian sovereigns and the German emperors.

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Karl Marx

Karl Marx (1818-1883) is  a philosopher,  an economist  and  a German revolutionist  of  the xix E century. He is the cofounder of the theory of "the class struggle", with Friedrich Engels.
Obliged to leave Germany because of his political opinions, Karl Marx takes refuge in Paris, where it meets in 1844 Friedrich Engels, a German economist. Together, they decide to make  Communism  incipient a scientific theory, but also to put it in practice by organizing an international movement of  the working class.
In 1848, they publish  Proclamation of the Communist Party,  in which the history is presented like a succession of fights between the dominant classes (called  employers) and the dominated classes ( proletariat). Exiled in England then in the United States, Karl Marx develops his economic theory in an immense work,  the Capital.
Its ideas, which are indicated by the name of  Marxism, inspired after its death the Bolchevism and Communism, as several European socialist currents which play today still a significant role in the political life.

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John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) is an American statesman of  the xx E century. He was  a president of the United States  of 1961 to 1963; he was assassinated during his mandate.
Member of the democratic Party, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) starts after the Second World war a brilliant political career. In 1960, it becomes at 43 years the 35 E  and  the youngest president of the United States.
Inside the country, John Kennedy fights for more  social justice  and proposes a series of laws more ensuring the American Blacks equality (these laws are finally voted in 1964, after its death). Whereas the crises with the Soviet Union worsen, John Kennedy wishes the end of  the cold war. In parallel, it shows being wary vis-a-vis the rise communist modes and sends 16 000 men in Viêt Nam of the South.
November 22, 1963, whereas it is in shift in Dallas to defend its re-election with the presidential election, John Kennedy  is assassinated  under conditions still badly cleared up.

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