mercredi 26 février 2014


John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) is an American statesman of  the xx E century. He was  a president of the United States  of 1961 to 1963; he was assassinated during his mandate.
Member of the democratic Party, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) starts after the Second World war a brilliant political career. In 1960, it becomes at 43 years the 35 E  and  the youngest president of the United States.
Inside the country, John Kennedy fights for more  social justice  and proposes a series of laws more ensuring the American Blacks equality (these laws are finally voted in 1964, after its death). Whereas the crises with the Soviet Union worsen, John Kennedy wishes the end of  the cold war. In parallel, it shows being wary vis-a-vis the rise communist modes and sends 16 000 men in Viêt Nam of the South.
November 22, 1963, whereas it is in shift in Dallas to defend its re-election with the presidential election, John Kennedy  is assassinated  under conditions still badly cleared up.

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