mercredi 26 février 2014



The mangroves are  particular  forests which one finds on  the marshy coasts  and in  the estuaries  (mouths of the rivers) in all  areas equatorial and tropical  of the world.
The mangroves push on the benches of mud and sediments brought to the sea by the rivers. They are "wetlands". One finds them only on the portions of coasts covered by the sea with high tide and discovered with low tide. They cover approximately  150 000 km 2 in the world.


The trees which compose the mangroves are primarily  mangroves.  They are recognized with their large roots which are not anchored in the ground but push in the mud, and which is with the free air with low tide. The mangroves and the other plants of the mangroves have the characteristic to be able to push in salted water. The whole of the roots of the trees of the mangrove form  a tangled up network. This network of roots protects the coasts against erosion due to the marine currents, the waves and the wind.

Who are the inhabitants of the mangroves?

The mangroves shelter also  a large variety of forms of life.  The crabs, such as for example the crabs violonists, swarm there. They nourish tiny organizations which live on the surface of the mud or the sheets of the mangroves.
All kinds of fish species   come to lay there, and, between the roots of the mangroves, the young fish are protected from their predatory. In the mangroves of the Indian Oceans and the Pacific, one meets  the périophtalme —a fish able to survive during several days out of water! — and  the fish-archer, who posts himself under the surface of water and cuts down of a jet of saliva the insects or the spiders which venture above.
The mangroves shelter also  reptiles  (alligators, snakes such as for example the anaconda), all kinds of insects,  molluscs  and a multitude of species of birds. In Belize for example (a small country of Central America), approximately  500 different species of birds were identified in the mangroves.
The mangroves thus form  a complete  ecosystem built around the mangroves.



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