mercredi 26 février 2014


Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong (1893-1976), or Mao Tsé-Toung, is  a Chinese statesman. Called the Large Quartermaster, it directed China between 1949 and 1959, then between 1965 and 1972.
Mao is originating in a village of China. Towards the 25 years age, it discovers the theory favorable to the people developed by  Karl Marx; it adheres consequently to the communist thought. In 1921, it takes part in the creation of  the Chinese Communist Party. It propagates the communist ideas in the Chinese campaigns and, in 1935, becomes the head of the movement.
After having overcome the partisans of nationalism, Mao seizes the power and, in 1949,  founds a communist mode in China. Gradually, it isolated the country from the rest of the world. Since 1965, it launches to China  a Great Cultural revolution  of the proletariat. It is the combat against "the four old ones": old habits, old practices, old culture and old manners of thinking. Starting from this date, each Chinese is held to know and to subject themselves to the thoughts of Mao ( Maoism), exposed in  the Small red Book.
Patient, Mao leaves the political life at the beginning of the years 1970.

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