mercredi 26 février 2014


Jeanne d' Arc

Jeanne d' Arc (1412-1431) is  a heroin of the French history  which lived with the Middle Ages, during the One hundred Year old war One calls it also Jeanne the Virgin or the Maid of Orleans.
Jeanne d' Arc is a country-woman of the village of Domrémy, in Lorraine. Child, it would have heard  voices come from the sky  asking him to go  to the help of the king Charles VII. At that time indeed, in full  One hundred Year old war, most of the kingdom is under English domination; the king of France, called "the king of Bourges", controls nothing any more but one reduced field.
In 1429, when it is 17 years old, Jeanne d' Arc goes to Chinon and persuades Charles VII to entrust an army to him. With a troop of royal soldiers, it  releases Orleans, then brings  Charles VII in Rheims  where he is crowned. But the following year, it  is captured  by the Burgundian ones which deliver it to the English. Judged for sorcery, she dies  burned sharp  on the place from the market in Rouen, May 30, 1431.
Its lawsuit is revised in 1456 then, in 1920, Jeanne d' Arc  is declared holy  by the catholic Church.

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