mercredi 26 février 2014


Jean Monnet

Jean Monnet (1888-1979) is  a politician  and  a French economist  of  the xx E century; he played a fundamental role in the European construction industry, so much so that it is called readily "the Father of Europe ".
As of the First World War (1914-1918), Jean Monnet estimates that the co-operation between the European nations is necessary so that Europe preserves its prestige. After the war, it is in charge of significant missions at the Company of the Nations, an international organization charged to take care of peace between the people (in fact, the ancestor of UNO). During the Second World war (1939-1945), Jean Monnet takes part in the organization of the efforts of war carried out jointly by England and the United States.
At the Release, Jean Monnet develops the foreground of  rebuilding of France. He is one of the instigators of  the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which is born in 1951 around France and of Germany. It defends the signature of the Treaty of Rome which marks the birth, in 1957, of  the European Economic Community (the EEC).


European construction

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