Maya civilization developed in several States of Mexico,
most of Guatemala, and in certain areas of Belize and Honduras current, from
2000 before J-C approximately. The apogee of this civilization ranged between
250 and 950 after J-C This period was followed by an abrupt decline whose
reasons remain mysterious.
The Maya company is organized in systems
of classes (religious, noble,
warlike, commercial, etc).
The farmers form the most significant
group. The principal cultures are the corn, the manioc and the cocoa.
The craftsmen work gold, the money, copper
and jade. They practise weaving and ceramics.
The Mayas adore several divinities who all
are in relation to nature like Chac, the god of
the Rain. They develop a formed elaborate writing of hiéroglyphes. The Mayas are also
impassioned for the astronomical observations which enable them to establish two calendars
of an exceptional precision for the
The Mayas build many cities. The great
ceremonial centers are made of very high pyramids
provided with staircases precipice. On their top draw up temples.
One also finds on these sites of the turn-observatories and the places intended
for the "play of ball", an activity connected to the religious
beliefs. During the traditional period, the greatest centers where the
ceremonies proceed are Palenque, Tikal and center of Chichen Itzá celebrates it.
The Mayas design roads, bridges
systems of irrigation for the cultures very elaborate.
? mythologies amérindiennes
? Olmèques
? Toltèques
? the Aztec ones
? interactivity: chronology of the Middle Ages
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