mercredi 26 février 2014


Jules César

Jules César (towards 100-44 before J-C.) is a General and a statesman of  the Roman Republic, during  Antiquity.
Born in Rome, Jules César (in Latin Caius Julius Caesar) comes from a noble family. He exiles himself in Asia during the dictatorship of Sylla (82-79 before J-C). Then, of return in Rome in 73 before J-C, it undertakes a political career. In 60, it forms with Pompée, a very popular General, and Crassus, a rich businessman and influence,  the first triumvirat: thanks to this alliance, it obtains the load of consul. It engages in  the war of Gaules  and beats Vercingétorix at the time of  the battle of Alésia, into 52.
In 48 before J-C, César  walks on Rome  with his army. He fights Pompée, last obstacle before a capacity without division, and is made name dictator. From now on only with the orders of the Roman Republic, it undertakes deep reforms which ensure him of the increasingly significant capacities.  Proclaimed dictator with life  into 44, it  is assassinated  the same year by a group of senators.
Jules César became a mythical character who inspired by many writers. Its name gave the words  tsar  and  Kaiser,  who designated the Russian sovereigns and the German emperors.

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