mercredi 26 février 2014


Karl Marx

Karl Marx (1818-1883) is  a philosopher,  an economist  and  a German revolutionist  of  the xix E century. He is the cofounder of the theory of "the class struggle", with Friedrich Engels.
Obliged to leave Germany because of his political opinions, Karl Marx takes refuge in Paris, where it meets in 1844 Friedrich Engels, a German economist. Together, they decide to make  Communism  incipient a scientific theory, but also to put it in practice by organizing an international movement of  the working class.
In 1848, they publish  Proclamation of the Communist Party,  in which the history is presented like a succession of fights between the dominant classes (called  employers) and the dominated classes ( proletariat). Exiled in England then in the United States, Karl Marx develops his economic theory in an immense work,  the Capital.
Its ideas, which are indicated by the name of  Marxism, inspired after its death the Bolchevism and Communism, as several European socialist currents which play today still a significant role in the political life.

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