mercredi 26 février 2014


Karl Marx

Karl Marx (1818-1883) is  a philosopher,  an economist  and  a German revolutionist  of  the xix E century. He is the cofounder of the theory of "the class struggle", with Friedrich Engels.
Obliged to leave Germany because of his political opinions, Karl Marx takes refuge in Paris, where it meets in 1844 Friedrich Engels, a German economist. Together, they decide to make  Communism  incipient a scientific theory, but also to put it in practice by organizing an international movement of  the working class.
In 1848, they publish  Proclamation of the Communist Party,  in which the history is presented like a succession of fights between the dominant classes (called  employers) and the dominated classes ( proletariat). Exiled in England then in the United States, Karl Marx develops his economic theory in an immense work,  the Capital.
Its ideas, which are indicated by the name of  Marxism, inspired after its death the Bolchevism and Communism, as several European socialist currents which play today still a significant role in the political life.

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John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) is an American statesman of  the xx E century. He was  a president of the United States  of 1961 to 1963; he was assassinated during his mandate.
Member of the democratic Party, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) starts after the Second World war a brilliant political career. In 1960, it becomes at 43 years the 35 E  and  the youngest president of the United States.
Inside the country, John Kennedy fights for more  social justice  and proposes a series of laws more ensuring the American Blacks equality (these laws are finally voted in 1964, after its death). Whereas the crises with the Soviet Union worsen, John Kennedy wishes the end of  the cold war. In parallel, it shows being wary vis-a-vis the rise communist modes and sends 16 000 men in Viêt Nam of the South.
November 22, 1963, whereas it is in shift in Dallas to defend its re-election with the presidential election, John Kennedy  is assassinated  under conditions still badly cleared up.

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Kenya is a country of East Africa, giving on the Indian Ocean.
Relief of Kenya east made up of a broad  arid or semi-arid plate, which covers most of north and is country. In the central zone,  the large volcanic assembly lines  culminate with 5 199 meters of altitude (with the Kenya mount). Lastly, more in the west,  the Valley Rift  is marked by an abrupt cliff succession. Kenya has more than 400 km of coasts bordered of islands. The country has almost the totality of the lake Turkana and a small part of Lake Victoria (the largest Africa Lake). Kenya is famous for its  fauna,  rich in savage animals: antelopes, elephants, rhinocéros, zebras, giraffes, lions and other large cat-like, various birds, reptiles, etc. In order to protect these species, of many  national parks and reserves  were created; these protected surfaces are located in savanna, represent more than 10 % of the territory and attract many tourists.
The population of Kenya is made up many African people (among which Kikuyu and Massaïs) and includes/understands also Indian, European, Arab minorities and somali. The majority of Kenyans are  Christian  (approximately 65 %), but  the animists  constitute a significant minority (more than 25 %).
The majority of Kenyans saw agriculture. The country is self-sufficing in basic foodstuffs (cereals, vegetables, canes with sugar, pineapple, groundnuts, etc), and the principal commercial culture is  the tea. The breeding  (sheep, oxen, goats) is a significant activity.  The hydroelectric production  of the dams Kiambare and Turkwell constitutes the greatest industrial richness of Kenya, which does not need to import in the energy field.  Tourism  became a considerable source of income. However, Kenya remains depend on the international assistance; its foreign debt is very heavy. 


36,9 million inhabitants in 2007
Nairobi (2 143 020 inhabitants in 1999)
582 646 km²
Official language
English and swahili
shilling of Kenya



? the capital of Kenya: 

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Koweït is a country of  the Middle East, located in the east of the Arabique peninsula and giving on the Arabo-Persique gulf.
Koweït is a primarily desert  country. The temperature can reach nearly 50 °C during the dry season, and precipitations are very weak.
Koweïtiens represent only one third of the population, made up essentially of  immigrant workers, in particular Asian (Indians and Pakistani).
Koweït is one of the richest countries of the world. The hydrocarbons constitute the only natural resources of the country, but they are abundant: the crude oil reserves   allow a one approximately 150 years duration exploitation. Industry koweïtienne rests mainly on the extraction and the refining of oil. However, at the time of the first  war of the Gulf  (started in 1991 after the invasion of the country by Iraq, in August 1990), of the hundreds of oil well were destroyed.


2,51 million inhabitants in 2007
Koweït (agglomeration, 1 222 374 inhabitants in 2003)
17 818 km²
Official language
dinar koweïtien


the Middle East

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