jeudi 20 mars 2014


wars of religion

One calls "wars of religion" the long conflict which took place in France to  the xvi E century  between the Christians, divided between catholics and Protestants.

Before the Protestant Reform, the religion of the kingdom of France was that of the king, i.e. the catholic religion. Starting from the introduction of Protestantism in France,  two religions  cohabit and certain catholics see there a threat against the unit of the kingdom.
Initially reconciling, the king François I er  undertakes to fight against the Protestants after the business of the Wall cupboards: in 1534, posters (called wall cupboards) against the mass were hung on the door of its room. Following François I er, the kings of France continue the combat against what they call from now on "the heresy ".
In 1562, the conflict becomes soldier and, until 1598,  eight wars  tear the country: they are the wars of religion. They oppose the catholics to the Protestants, called the huguenots. This violence culminates with  the massacre of Saint-Barthélemy: in the night from the 23 to August 24, 1572, the queen  Catherine de Médicis  makes assassinate more than 3 000 Protestants in Paris.
The religious conflict degenerates into  civil war  and the king Henri III is assassinated in 1589. Its successor, Henri de Navarre (who is Protestant) converts with Catholicism to bring back peace. He is made crown king under the name of Henri IV.
Confronted with the extremists of the two camps (in particular the Holy catholic League),  Henri IV  succeeds in putting an end to the wars of religion thanks to the promulgation of the edict of Nantes  in 1598.
The edict of Nantes of 1598 founds  the freedom of the everywhere protesting  worship where it was practised before, except in Paris and in the royal residences. The already Protestant areas can thus remain it, but Protestantism cannot develop any more. In addition, the edict of Nantes returns their civic rights to reformed and a certain number of places of  safety grants to them  (of the strengthened cities) where they will be able to be protected.
The edict of Nantes institutes a new policy of  tolerance, exceptional in Europe.
Although it is more or less well accepted (Henri IV dies in 1610, assassinated by a catholic fanatic), the edict of Nantes brings back peace in the kingdom of France. However, during  the xvii E century, the most enthusiastic catholics make pressure on the kings of France so that they denounce this edict.
Sensitive to these pressures,  Louis XIV  multiplies vexatious measurements against the Protestants of the South. He sends  to regiments  of dragons in the South These soldiers, who are placed at the inhabitant (at the time there were not barracks), are systematically confined in Protestant families where they are devoted to exactions: it is what is called  the dragonnades.
Many Protestants prefer to convert with Catholicism rather than to have to place dragons on their premises. At once, fascinating pretext of the multiplication of these  forced conversions, Louis XIV decides that the provisions envisaged by the edict of Nantes do not take place any more to exist since there are not (apparently) more Protestants in France. In 1685, it cancels the edict of Nantes.
This Revocation of the Edict of Nantes  causes the exile  of almost 200 000 French Protestants who refuse to convert with Catholicism; they flee mainly towards Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and England. In the Cevennes, a Protestant revolt bursts and Louis XIV is obliged to send the royal army against  the camisards.
To the xviii E century, the tolerance towards the Protestants develops but it is necessary to await the French revolution so that their religion is recognized with whole share.

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the American Civil War

The American Civil War is  a civil war which opposed, in  the United States,  the States of North in the States of the South, between 1861 and 1865.
The United States, born one century earlier, is still a young country when the American Civil War bursts. The population is then 30 million inhabitants (ten times less than today).
? The States of North, accounting for 2/3 of the population,  are very urbanized: their economy is based on industry  and the trade.
? The States of the South, accounting for 1/3 of the population, live for their part almost exclusively of agriculture. The majority of the world production of cotton comes from their  plantations  (large exploitations), where the tobacco and the cane with sugar are also cultivated. The agricultural workers of these plantations are  slaves  (approximately 4 million people): they are the property of their Masters, do not perceive any wages, and are simply placed and nourished.
Little by little, the idea of the abolition of slavery is essential in North. In the South, the landowners are completely against, applicant who slavery is essential to their economy. The question could have been solved as follows: North abolishes slavery and the South maintains it. But the things are not so simple bus the United States are then in full conquest of the West. Between 1815 and 1850, on average a new State is created every three years. Will these States be slave or free trade? The partisans of the two camps clash on this question.
Secession of the States of the South
At the time of the presidential election of 1860, the question of slavery is in the foreground of the concerns. The winner, Abraham Lincoln, are for his abolition. One month after the elections, the State of  South Carolina, defender of slavery, announces that it  makes secession, i.e. it separates from the Union of the United States.In a few weeks, six other States encase the step to him; they are  soon eleven States secessionists. They decide to leave the United States of America and to create  the confederated States of America  (or Confederation Southerner). A little later president Lincoln states the secession illegal: the war is inevitable.
secession in the United States in 1861

chair: Abraham Lincoln
chair: Jefferson Davis
capital: Washington
capital: Richmond
the Union nordist
the Confederation Southerner
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee
industrial area
agricultural area
against slavery
for slavery
Generals: Ulysses Grant and William Sherman
General: Robert Lee

The victories Southerners
The first exchanges of shootings take place in April 1861 in Fort Sumter, as a Caroline of the South Bombarded by Confédérés (Southerners), the fort is constrained to go. The Southerners gain then another great victory in the north of the country, at the time of the battle of Bull Run (July 1861). In 1862, under the command of the Southerner  Robert Lee, they penetrate in unionistic territory (nordist). They are not stopped that at the time of the bloody battle of Antietam (September 1862).
A new projection Southerner towards the North-East is stopped with  the battle of Gettysburg  (July 1863): at the end of three days of combat, more than 50 000 men are killed, wounded or reported missing. After this defeat, the troops of the Confederation never manage again to invade the States of the Union.
The victories nordists and emancipation of the slaves
On the western face, the situation also turns in favour of  the nordists. The General nordist  Ulysses Grant  seizes part of the territories of Confédérés in 1862. After  the catch of the fortress of Vicksburg  (in Mississippi) in July 1863, the forces of the Union succeed in concluding their plan: to cross into two territories of the Confederation.
Meanwhile, the nature of the war changed. At the beginning, president Lincoln wished to bring back the States of the South within the Union; but, the 1 er January 1863, it publishes  the proclamation of Emancipation, informant that all the slaves of the insurgent States (i.e. of the Confederation) are free. The conflict is transformed then into  a war for or against slavery.
The final defeat of the Southerners
The year 1864 is terrible for the confederated States. Under the orders of the General nordist  William Sherman, the army of the Union seizes Tennessee and Georgia, extreme Atlanta and destroying all on its passage. In April 1865, to court of supply,  Robert Lee goes to Unionistic, Appomattox (a small town of Virginia): the war is finished.
Very fatal, the American Civil War made  600 000 victims. The deep wounds caused by this civil war will spend many years to be healed.
? In the States of the South, the consequences of the war are dramatic: a man on three died in the combat and of many cities and plantations are devastated.
? The States of North are not delighted a long time by their victory: six days after the capitulation of the Lee General, president  Abraham Lincoln is assassinated  by a Southerner.
? The large winners of the conflict should be  the slaves, from now on free. However, in practice, the majority of them have of another choice to only continue to work in their former Master, for a starvation wage. Moreover, the landowners manage to make adopt "black codes" which limit the right of ownership and the freedom of movement of the Blacks. In the South, it still should be waited 100 years before the Black-Americans can have the same rights as the White.

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the Thirty Year old war

The Thirty Year old war corresponds to a series of conflicts which proceeded between 1618 and 1648. It becomes  a European war  in 1625, when the sovereigns of Europe intervene in this  conflict between catholics and Protestants  of the Saint Worsens Roman Germanic.


At the beginning of the xvii E century,  the Saint Worsens Roman Germanic  (or Holy Empire) covers most of Europe. Each State which makes it up is directed by a king or a prince, but all are under the domination of the emperor. Following the Protestant Reform,  several States become Protestant  whereas  the Empire remains catholic. The Protestant States, which fear a return forced to Catholicism, form the evangelic Union; the catholic States answer by melting  the Holy catholic League.
In 1618, the king Ferdinand II of Bohemia, enthusiastic catholic, refuses to grant religious freedom to the Protestants, majority in his kingdom. The Protestants then seek to obtain profit of cause directly near the imperial authorities.  May 23, 1618, they go in mass in the imperial residence to Prague. Refusing in their turn to reach this request, the two governors of the emperor are thrown by the window (but they do not die). This incident, called the "defenestration of Prague ", starts a Protestant revolt, which extends to all the Empire and leads to the Thirty Year old war.
At the beginning, the evangelic Union gains several victories. But, since 1619, it is weakened by religious dissensions between Protestants, who divide between Lutherans and calvinists.
The same year 1619, Ferdinand II of Bohemia becomes emperor of the Saint Worsens. He immediately sends the troops of the Holy catholic League in Bohemia, which overcomes the Protestants at the time of  the battle of the White Mountain  (November 1620). Bohemia falls to the hands from the catholics, and the Protestants of the Saint Empire are persecuted.Certains States Protestant requires the assistance from abroad then.
The intervention of Denmark (1625-1629)
In 1625, the kingdom of Denmark answers this call by sending troops in Germany. In answer, the Saint Empire constitutes an army of mercenaries, which overcomes the Danes with the battles of Dessau (April 1626) and To fight amndt Berenberge (August 1626). With their continuation, the imperial armies seize the totality of Germany, plundering all on their passage. The Danes are constrained to beat a retreat and sign peace in May 1629, in Lübeck.
The intervention of Sweden (1630-1635)
The king Louis XIII of France and his principal minister, the cardinal of Richelieu, fear that the Saint Worsens Roman Germanic does not become too powerful. Also, in 1630, France requires of the king protesting  Gustave II Adolphe  of Sweden to conduct campaign against the Saint Worsens.
In May 1631, the imperial armies subject the Protestant city of Magdeburg, which revolted, and there massacre approximately 25 000 Protestants. However, they do not succeed in stopping the Swedes, who gain the battle of Breitenfeld (September 1631), then invade the south of Germany. In November 1632, the king of Sweden is killed at the time of  the battle of Lützen, but its continuous army to advance and seizes Munich. The Swedes undergo a defeat cuisante with the battle of Nördlingen (September 1634).
Finally, the Protestant princes stop the fight and sign the peace of Prague, in May 1635.
The intervention of France (1635-1648)
For exclusively political reasons  (and not chocolate éclairs), France between then directly in the war against the Saint Worsens Roman Germanic. With its allies  —Protestant Sweden and several heads—, it gains a series of determining victories, in particular with  the battle of Rocroi  (May 1643). The new emperor Ferdinand III is constrained to sign the peace of Westphalia in 1648.
By the treaties of Westphalia  of October 1648, the enemies of the Saint Worsens Roman Germanic share part of its territories. Moreover, the sovereignty of the German States is recognized, which weakens the Empire durably.
This peace marks finally  the end of the wars of religion in Europe; the following wars all will be political, territorial or economic.

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