mardi 31 décembre 2013


                             NEW AN  !

The civilizes one his/her/its 31 December : 

They will be 10000 policemen, policemen, firemen and soldiers mobilized the night of the saint-Sylvester in the capital. Their mission, to make to spend the year in beauty and to avoid the accidents and other overflows while assuring the security of all.

The electric because is going to changes the world finally

The electric because is going to changes the world finally. She/it never succeeded in competing the vehicles with has motor to explosion.

Star's dogs takes the pose ! :   SELENA  GOMEZ


Selena Gomez and his/her/its  dog : click-clack, it is in the box !
Light is perfected, Selena Gomez is all to smile, and his/her/its dog looks right in the objective : click-clack, the photo is success !

The stars fans of small dog :


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